“You should leave it down. I like seeing your hair free.” Darah suggested.

“It is out of uniform compliance when it is down,” I said as I quickly tied my hair up. I winked at her.

“Last I checked, I was captain of this ship, so if you want to wear it down, you can.” My sassy girl declared with that sexy southern drawl.

“You are just a naughty rebel.” I lightly smacked her curvy ass. I loved that I could freely touch her now. It was so hard to resist my need for her and Terrek.

“I’ll show you naughty later,” Darah said as we stood outside the docking port airlock. We saw the outside door slide open through the window as the AI allowed Glacier’s ship access.

He stepped in wearing his tight suit and had a small space fabric helmet fitted over his head.

The sliding door closed. The temperature dropped throughout the ship to help accommodate the Frio species.

“It’s colder than a witch’s tit in a brass bra.” Darah said as she rubbed her arms.

“We can stop to get you a jacket on our way back to the infirmary,” I suggested.

Terrek pulled Darah into his arms to help keep her warm. The interior door slid open, and Glacier stepped through. He gave me a salute in the way of his kind.

I placed my fist over my heart and bowed in the way of mine and then in the way of his people. I always want to hug this male, but I knew I was too hot to do so comfortably for his Frio body.

“I am so glad to see you, Glacier. I am happy to introduce you to my bond mates.

This Is Darah, and this is Terrek.”

“Congratulation . . .” Glacier drones in his monotone voice. I am used to his talking style, but I can see Darah’s curiosity as if she wonders how sincere the Frio Emperor was.

“Thank you, Glacier; I know you are truly happy for me. I am one lucky Female.” I said as I escorted Glacier to the exam room.

I entered the room, and the smell of our mingled sex still permeated the air. I don’t think I will ever look at an exam bed the same. This room became the most important memory of my life.

I looked at Darah and Terrek as they held hands, silently supporting me while Glacier attached wires and tubes. I smiled warmly at them. I was glad they wanted to support me. I was also sad they will witness my suffering. This is very painful. I must endure it to discharge my liquid fire in a fight and not be depleted.

“You don’t have to watch. This is painful, and I don’t want to worry either of you,” I said, giving them a choice to stay or go.

Glacier pulled a cylinder out, the bright glowing Nanos flowing endlessly, moving. My lifeline will always be these golden machines. I could feel the heat radiating off the cylinder. Glacier struggled to place the container in the dispensing device.

“Allow me to assist you, Glacier.” Terrek’s profoundly concerned voice announced as he took the hot Nanos from Glaciers gloved hands.

“Do be diligent when handling the nano containment.” Glacier droned in his strange voice.

The feeling of anxiety rolled off him in waves. I could smell Terrek’s flesh burn as his finger placed the cylinder into its place.

“You burned your fingers!” I gasped, feeling bad he had hurt himself.

“I am well, my Fire. Don’t worry. I can handle a little heat,” Terrek said as he stepped back with Darah.

Darah kissed the tips of his fingers, and they both focused on me again.

“Not a chance, Flame. We will not leave your side,” Darah said as she tried to look over Terrek’s burnt fingertips. He waved his hand like it was no big deal.

I laid back and bit down on the mouthguard Glacier handed me.

“Ready?” Glacier droned.

I took a deep breath and nodded. Pain hit me hard as I growled and bit down. The Nanos were being plunged into my implants and vascular system.

“Can you help her with the pain?” Darah asked with a cry of concern. I felt her grab my hand and rub my forehead.