Terrek came to us with Candy in tow. “I was busy with some of the crew learning the engineering of the space jump engine. Time got away from me, but I wanted to ensure you two are well.” He Said has he handed Flame and me a bottle of water.

My pink water bottle and a Galactic Empire force bottle for Flame.

“I love you. Thank you for taking care of us.” I gave Terrek a sweet kiss. Candy rubbed against my thigh. Then he rubbed against Flame’s thigh.

Flame took a long drink of her water. Is it weird that I thought she was sexy at that moment?

“Thank you. I needed that, Terrek.” Flame said.

“I need my implants charged before we fight.” Flame showed us her golden metallic Tattoos.

“I want to prepare you both. I am . . . Uh . . . I am not the same when I am in a battle.” Flame tried to explain.

We entered the infirmary and left Candy to guard the outside of the door.

“I have Nanos, Frio technology implanted like added veins that feed my strength. The Nanos will slowly burn out over time and use. I must recharge them so I can fight to the best of my ability.

I sensed her insecurity flair up as I looked into her vulnerable eyes. I was instantly concerned.

“I don’t care what you are when you fight as long as you come back safe and whole,” I said, trying to support Flame. The last thing she needed was to worry about me judging her.

“I am not sure I can put it into words. I think I need to demonstrate for you to understand. I want to show you. I think you should brace yourselves.

Chapter 19



lame began to undress. My heart sped up. I looked at Terrek. He gave me an excited look and nodded, letting me know he was good. My eyes drew in on Flame’s long fingers as she unzipped her uniform.

As Flame exposed her skin inch by inch, I felt heat flush my cheeks, and goosebumps spread up my arms. My core was heating up. She exposed those golden metallic markings that only turned me on more.

I took a breath, trying to be rational about this. Flame was trying to communicate something important, and I needed to focus on her, and not be a horny creep about it.

“I am deadly in a fight, not just because I am a seasoned warrior, but because I have the advantage of my species and the Frio implants. I am the only Fire blood that has these implants.”

Flame stood before us in black panties, looking like a goddess. She had a golden metallic design on her skin like a sexy tattoo in a corset around her ribs, weaving over her shoulders and around her breast around her thighs, down her long legs, from her upper arms to her toes, a beautiful liquid golden weave that moved like metallic lava.

“So, fucking sexy.” I exhaled.

Flame’s eyes went molten with heat as she looked at me.

She shook it off to continue her speech.

“I can walk and fight because my friend Glacier specifically

engineered these implants. These are organic nanomachines.

They infused into my body. My fire blood mutated with the

Nanos, allowing me to express fire from my fingernails when

I take battle form.

I wanted you to see all of me. My species frowns on my

markings, and it is a controversy. More than ever before, I