My little Earthling, have you finally discovered that Flame is our bonded mate? I have been meaning to discuss this with you, but we have been so busy that you seemed unaware. I wanted to give you time to adjust and accept Flame. let nature take its course. I am thrilled you are attracted to Flame. it is to be expected. I am very attracted to her myself.

Tarek kissed me deeply before two crew members came up to us and requested that we get to know the crew members we hadn’t met yet.

I looked at Candy closely to see how he reacted to each new person we chatted with. So far, so good; he seemed calm and not too interested.

“That’s my good, sweet boy.” I cooed as I petted and played with Candy.

I was shocked when just four hours had passed, and Flame was up and looking refreshed and pristine in her uniform.

“No way you got enough rest,” I said, aggravated that Flame was pushing herself too much.

“I don’t need as much sleep as you, human.” Flame said with sass, her smiling red eyes winking at me.

“I wish you would rest better; I feel you are overdoing it. Work smarter, not harder.” I said with my own angst and winked back at her stubborn ass.

“Hard work is smart work, Darah.” Flame said as we walked to the command center of the ship.

“I am excited to meet up with the Frio engineers, they arrived shortly after Empress Zion requested them to be stationed at Laverian. They saved me years ago after I sustained my spinal injury during an explosion. I had lost honorable soldiers and friends that day. I need my Frio friend to inspect my implants before we enter a fight.”

“A spinal injury! I am so sorry that happened to you. I had not realized it was that severe of an injury.” Flame was remarkable. I needed to make sure she didn’t overwork herself. Flame seems wholly devoted to her duty and is constantly working.

“Are you sure you’re feeling ok, hun? I think you should sleep some more, to be sure.” I insisted.

“Don’t be silly. I am fine, I don’t usually bring up my injury but you and Terrek need to know more about me.” Flame insisted as she put the viewfinder on.

Laverian appeared, only this view showed a workforce of ships and spacewalkers building a grid like the one around Gia.

“Wow! They work fast.” I said in awe at the sight of Laverian with a defense grid nearly wholly built.

“Oh Terrek, your planet is breathtaking!” Flame insisted as she zoomed in on the planet itself.

The deep greens were framed by white clouds. The deep blue and purples of the ocean’s surface made a globe of beauty. The three moons, two with rings and one with the weather of ice and clouds, hovered like a sentinel around the giant planet of Laverian.

“Hailing Stealth Davis, Stealth Davis, Stealth Davis, this is Galactic Frio outpost command on empire channel three. Over.” Said the monotone voice over the viewing screen.

“Scans verify the DNA lifeforce of the Frio Command to verify that the caller was genuine, Identity accepted.” The computer-upgraded AI announced.

“Galactic Frio, this is Stealth Davis, code three accepted switch to hologram Gia’s Commander Flame. Over.” Flame responded regally.

“Stealth Davis, switching to hologram channel now, Galactic Frio, out.” The monotone voice droned.

Seconds later, Flame’s hologram initiated on her wrist. The face of a grey spaceman with big grey lizard-like eyes appeared. Its features were not very distinctive. big eyes, a flat nose, and a small mouth reminded me of the little green men depicted on Earth, something I imagined from Area 51. I suppressed a giggle thinking about the comparison.

“Glacier, it is so good of you to be here in person. I truly value your support and speediest work.” Flame greeted the grey man affectionately.

“I could not pass up the opportunity to see my favorite fire.” The monotone man said with no expression to match his affection for Flame.

“I am happy to be able to see you, my friend. I am five hours out. I brought you blue ice stones from the north quadrant. Looking forward to giving you a warm hug.” Flame laughed.

“Keep your fires clear from me, you kinetic Female. I will, however, be very grateful for the blue ice stones; you spoil me, truly.” The monotone voice was odd, not matching the playful words he spoke, and with the bland facial expression of the Frio spaceman, I was officially intrigued.

“I knew you would, so I grabbed them up when I had the opportunity. I will prepare the infirmary med center and lower our ship’s temperature. See you in a few hours.” Flame had a softness about her when she spoke to the Frio man.

Their transmission ended, and Flame ran scans and gave orders to the crew. I silently hovered, staying out of her way. I shadowed her as we entered the med center. I finally had to ask.

“What do you need the med center for?” Flame looked at me. She seemed a bit shy. Seriously, Flame was shy; she was always so confident. I was even more curious.

“You don’t have to tell me if you’re uncomfortable.” I offered, not wanting to be pushy.