“You better hurry. Mom expects all of us to be there on time.” Blaze narrowed her purple slit dragon eye on my Bow and Quiver that Uncle Fang hand carved and made for me. I had it secured to my neck.

“Don’t Think about target practice. You will forget about being on time if you decide to shoot those bows.” Blazed warned, knowing me too well.

“I promise, just a cheeseburger, and I’ll be right there on time.” I insisted.

“Papa Stan is making a feast, and you insist on the cheeseburger, okay sister, I’ll see you soon.” Blaze flew off, laughing at me.

I rolled my eyes and dove off the crystal cloud, heading for the hall. I turned into my skin form and walked into the grand hall. It was sparse because of the surprise celebration. My mother was using all the treasures of the kingdom for the decor of my auntie’s baby shower party. She really loves sparklies.

The true mates stopped appearing many years ago once Balance was restored here. The greeters that once stayed at the manor just outside this hall would take shifts to help the newly arriving females adjust well and receive a good support system.

The portal was used to bring us true mates to balance our planet’s population. This world is magic and symbiotic with every magical living thing.

When the Vampire decimated our planet’s population and caused much harm, the goddess Harmony created this portal and brought my mom and her sister here from Earth. They saved this world and welcomed all the other true mates.

It was a happy side effect that we could use the enchanted pages of the magic book to order Earth food. Granted, it’s replicated, but still a treat, my favorite snack. The portal door was the only one we have on this planet. I had to sneak away here whenever I have the opportunity to get this treat.

I picked up the enchanted book and stared at the blue god portal door. I wrote my order on the blank page and knocked three times. The crystal lights above flashed and chimed, making my nerves flair a warning at me.

When the blue door opened and revealed the blackness of the other side, I was captured. Instead of receiving my food. I was sucked into the door.

This had never happened before. We only received beings through the door. My mother was going to be so mad at me. I didn’t even get my cheeseburger. I wondered where in the stars I would end up.

Chapter 17



sat up slowly, waking from my vision. I could not stop the tears as I noticed that Terrek was already gone. Today, the agenda was to take off. Terrek really should have woken me up, too.

I was glad he didn’t because I cherished my family visits. Shaking off my emotions, I jumped in the shower.

Terrek fed Candy, had breakfast, and had my tea ready when I entered the chow.

I love this man so much. He was so attuned to my needs that he ensured I had what I needed. The little things he did were big things to my heart. I drank my tea as I thought of Terrek and Flame.

The potential of us in a relationship together. I was gazing at the leaves in my cup when Flame came in with several new crew members. She looked exhausted.

I saw three hearts in my leaves for my future, and for my present, a dragon appeared. Confused at the vagueness of a dragon, I wondered if it had something to do with the upcoming battle.

I set my cup down when Candy nudged my elbow, wanting me to pet him. I focused on Terrek and Flame as Candy’s purring soothed me.

Terrek went to Flame and insisted she sit and eat. Flame sank into the seat next to me. Terrek gave her a plate of food and tea.

“If I sit too long, I will fall asleep right here.” Flame said with a yawn.

Flame pulled out a fabric bag from a case she carried. I made sure to get you this tea before we took off.” She handed me the dark bag. I smelled the aroma first as excitement hit me. I opened the bag of dried tea leaves that smelled soothing, a sweet and floral scent filled my nose.

“Oh, my goodness, I think I love you!” I said without thought.

“Thank you so much.” I tried to side-hug her as she sat next to me.

“What’s not to love? I tried to be here before your morning tea but was held up.” Flirted Flame.

“It’s my favorite flavor. I hope you like it.” Flame said. I saw the dark circles under her eyes.

“It smells delicious I can’t wait to try some. That’s it. You have overdone it. You need sleep, Flame. If your brain is fried from being too tired, you won’t be good to anyone.” I insisted.