“Great! I officially logged your ship’s new name into our system. We need to ascend to the port and ensure last minute supplies are stalked. I will do pre-launch checks with you to review our upgrades.” Flame tore her gaze away from the hologram to make eye contact with Terek and me as he stood beside me.

I was glad we are moving forward to fight and save all those people.

After a long day and evening of preparing my ship. I fell asleep and was happy to visit with my family in my dream. I was glad I didn’t dream of that crash anymore. The burnt engine and asphalt smell haven’t tortured my soul for a while.

In my dreams, I saw my family standing with the Goddess, looking at a cylinder floating between them like a table with no legs.

“What are you looking at?” I asked as I walked up to them. A misty cloud seemed to surround us all.

My mom looked at me with a big smile. Her eyes were happy to see me.

“Darah, you’re here. I am so glad to see you, dear.”

My Dad pulled me into a big bear hug. I couldn’t help the tears that rimmed my eyes. I missed them all so much. I was grateful to be able to visit like this, even if it was only in my dreams. This was more than I could hope for, and I cherished it.

“I like your hot new friend.” My Brother Jason said as he took his turn hugging me.

“It’s so good to see you, dork,” I said as he stepped away from hugging me.

“I miss you too, big sis.” Jason looked amazingly. He was a handsome young man and somehow buffer than he was in real life on Earth.

“Hello, Darah.” The Goddess Harmony greeted me with her ethereal smile. Everyone, including myself, was dressed in white. We all seemed to resemble the cloud of mist that surrounded us.

“Hello, Goddess Harmony. Thank you for allowing me to visit my family.”

I was so unbelievably blessed. No words will ever convey my gratitude for everything Harmony has gifted me.

“No need to fuss over such a simple thing. Besides, I genuinely enjoy your family. We are fast friends.” My family looked at me as the Goddess spoke.

“Part of being in the realm of the Gods means my close friendship with the people of the planets has been hindered, and my suppressed powers limit me from using visions for communication. I need assistance from other gods to appear as a hologram, and gods are usually busy.” Harmony said somberly.

“I miss the ability to hang out and fellowship among friends. Having your family here is not typical, but my father, the great creator, allowed this special exception just for me.” The Goddess smiled, and my knees felt like they would buckle from her attention’s impact on me.

“It works for your family, too, because they like to be able to check on you. My father allowed me to take you from Earth. Now I can have you assist me in saving the Hecat universe from the Kanenites.”

The Goddess Harmony smiled sweetly as she looked at each of us.

“Yes, we are tickled pink to be able to check on you, Darling.” My Dad said as he smiled brightly at me.

“Here, check this out. We can zoom in on anything. It is wild.” Jason insisted I look at the floating disk table thing.

I walked up next to my brother, who was staring at the display that showed Flame organizing my ship and assigning crew duties—doing final inventory checks.

“She is super-hot for an alien chick,” Jason said.

“Some things never change,” I said as I elbowed him playfully.

“Yeah, Yeah, but it turns out you seem to be batting for both teams now, as you think she is hot too,” Jason said, wagging his brow at me, teasing me.

I felt heat flush my cheeks. “How much do you guys see?” I asked.

“We respect your intimate private moments and stay clear from seeing things we know you would be uncomfortable with. I like Terrek. He truly loves you, and I am thrilled you can finally be happy.” My mom beamed at me with pride.

I looked at the Goddess Harmony. “Explain why I feel things for Flame when I know I love Terrek?” I asked, wanting to get to the root of things.

Hecat appeared out of nowhere and laughed, “Yes, love, do explain.” Where did he come from? I thought, startled.

He stood taller, towering over Harmony as he grabbed her hand and pulled her close, lifting her to his lips. Harmony rolled her eyes at Hecat.