territory, and we have no authority there. However, these

Kanenites drew first blood when they crossed our borders, stole

our defenseless people, and harvested our protected planets.” Empress Zion looked fierce. Her body grew, her eyes

blazed red, her nails grew into black claws, and her tiny canine

fangs grew long and sharp. I felt fear as her energy went out

in a wave of determination. Her transformation was a shock. I growled as I glanced at where the females were imprisoned. Darah squeezed my hand. “We will rescue them,” I

promised with a whisper.

Target Moon B. was zoomed in on next. “This is the male’s

prison and assimilation camp.”

The surface was fire and magma. The males are housed

in a tall mountain above the lava and fire. They were collared

with a sedation pump and electric shocks to manage the men. “They are brutally trained for fighting entertainment. A

sport that the Kanenites bet on. Men not passing the evaluation are sent to the meat market to be harvested and made into animal food.”

A gasp erupted as the hologram zoomed in on a slaughterhouse for the disqualified men.

My eyes filled with tears, and anger vibrated throughout my body. Darah grabbed my hand harder. Flame rubbed my shoulders in concern.

“Some prisoners belong to the Kanenites universe. It has been decided by the Galactic Empire that we will offer all these prisoners refugee status, and they can live on any planet they choose within our universe.”

“This is an immense undertaking. Laverian and Tarin must be reinforced and upgraded to a class seven planet. We will establish a border defense line between the Kanenites universe and our own. Since Laverian and Tarin are in our universe, they are our responsibility, even if unnoticed until recently. The Kanenites universe borders our universe by these two planets.”

“The prison moons are on the edge of the Kanenites universe, allowing us to travel quickly from Laveriane space. We shall start our line of defense from there.” Empress Zion stared over the collective audience.

The energy in this room felt palpable. I don’t think the Kanenites were ready for this fight.

Chapter 16



e have a planet in our system that turns to ice most of the annual cycle around our central star. The inhabitants must retreat to space to survive during the warm seasons. Our galactic empire has helped to build a massive space city that is situated like a moon around the ice planet Frio.”

“The Frio people adapt to space and can walk with minimal protection. They engineer and build many of our outer space defenses and detection shields. Like the one around Gia.” Flame said as she scrolled through the hologram screen on her wrist.

“You mean the Frio people can withstand the pressure of space?” I asked, blown away by the thought.

“They are resilient, naturally living in freezing temperatures. Their body can pressurize to deep depths and space. They are solid but fragile in heat. So, they wear a layer of sun-flare-resistant clothes and can hold their breath using the oxygen in their blood to feed their body when they spacewalk. It gives them the agility to construct and build in space efficiently and fast.

We delivered supplies and protection while they engineered and constructed for us or our galactic planets. So, I have commissioned the Frio people to come with their portable cities to Laverian and Tarin to make a defense shield similar to Gia. Because these planets are on the border of Kane’s universe.”

Flame was lost with her wrist hologram: “I have handpicked a crew for us on your ship, Darah. Did you name her yet?”

“Stealth, Davis,” I said proudly as we walked with the crowd leaving the council room.

“That is a nice way to honor your family,” Flame said as I rubbed my thumb back and forth while we held hands.