y heart is whole. “Darah, you have spellbound me.” She was an enchantress.

“Terrek, I have not put a spell on you.” She giggled.

“I love your accent; it’s so sultry to me,” I said. I gazed at her kissable lips aching for her to speak again. “It’s called a southern drawl. I can’t help it, I am a Texas


“Texas must be a magical land to have produced my

Darah,” I mentioned as I watched her make her habitual tea. “Texas was home. The magic was my family. It lives in my

memory now. Being here with you is magic to me now, Terrek.

you are my family.” Darah said with sadness in her eyes. I did not mean to remind her of the loss of her family. My

own sadness surfaced when I thought of my family and the

unknown of whatever the Kanenites were inflicting on them. “I love you, my Darah.” I leaned down to kiss her head

while she looked at her tea leaves.

She was so cute with her morning teas and her Earth music. Watching her hold her cup and intently stare at her leaves was

a ritual that I found myself enjoying.

We sat in a garden just outside the council building, which

was scented with blue and white blooms that grew over the

pergola seating area. Everything in the air felt refreshing, and

hope pulsed through my being.

Our training was not easy, and my Darah did not complain.

Not even when I saw the pain in her eyes, she pushed through.

I am very impressed by my Darah and the other females. “Umm,” Darah sighed as she read her fortune. She was deep in thought, so I sat there silently supporting


I am proud of the calm and accepting way I have adapted

to all the new knowledge, space travel, and the fact that aliens

exist. I am glad to have allies who could help me fight this

upcoming battle.

I hoped one day I could show Darah the village of our

people, and she would love our home there. My home would

become the new chief house when my father officially retired.

I needed to save all of them and hoped they would find me