“I am Darah, and I stole this ship from the Kanenites spacemen. I was trying to save myself, my mate, and my fur baby, Candy when I took this spaceship.

These assholes harvested our planet too. We would have been left for dead if we did not escape.” I looked at the ladies, who stood taller as they listened.

“This is my friend Flame. She is a badass warrior woman willing to help us fight these Kanenites.” Flame allowed me to introduce her, but she still showed her aloof demeanor when she met new beings that hadn’t been proven worthy yet.

“I often wondered if aliens existed. I am sorry to know that answer now.” The redhead said as she let her green eyes scan her surroundings.

“You have no idea how much I understand. I was recently exposed to the technology and world of space travel.” I said, trying to connect with the redhead.

“I can introduce yawl to the things that I have discovered. We can learn the rest together as we move forward.” I suggested trying to gain a bit of trust.

I activated a viewing screen to show the females how I took the ship and to show the recording of the Kanenites harvesting Laverian. Flame and I walked away to give them time to dress and watch the viewing. Eventually, the females approached us as we stood near the cargo door.

“My name is Jannali.” The redhead introduced herself. Her dainty pointed ears poking through her hair.

The tiny female with long jet-black hair introduced herself next.

“My name is Aya.” Her golden-brown eyes were still cautious.

The curvy female with bright, contrasting blue eyes stepped forward.

“You may call me Sade.” She said with a raspy voice.

The Brunette with dark brown eyes said. “I am Leilani.” Her fearful eyes broke my heart.

“I sure hate meeting you all under these circumstances. However, I promise to help you, and I hope we can become good friends.” I said, meaning every word.

“Flame and I wanted to give you a tour, show you how things work, so let’s get you fed and assign each of you, you’re very own rooms. You have a choice here on this ship in the crew quarters, or you can go to the surface of Gias, and they will set you up a place to live until we can return you to your planet Tarin.” I explained.

We showed the females around to let them get used to things and adapt before introducing them to Terrek and Candy. Much less a brand-new planet that was designed for war training.

These Tarinites females reminded me of home on Earth so much that it was easy to bond with them. Time will allow them to trust me in return. The ladies decided to stay on my ship for the meantime, after a few days on the ship, learning what I could teach them, they adapted very quickly.

Terrek and I trained them on how to work with the new technology by showing them and giving them the opportunity to download information with the educator. They had the option to stay safely on Gia’s planet until we could get them home to Tarin safely.

Flame had the worthy chair installed on the ship, she insisted. After the females felt comfortable, they sat in the chair, determined to be worthy. Three of the females chose to train and to get ready to battle the Kanenites.

Aya wasn’t a warrior and just wanted to stay safe until she could go home. She loved to garden, so after the females were deemed worthy, she was accepted as a refugee and given an area to garden on the planet Gias.

Terrek and I train as recruits. “A good leader will be trained just as those they lead.” Flame insisted.

“I will gladly train. I have room for more markings. “Terrek offered proudly.

“I can’t believe I survived that boot camp,” I said as I was finally allowed to kiss Terrek after we endured a few weeks of hard training.

“I don’t think I could have survived another day without touching you, my mate. I am glad we have accomplished war training, too.” Terrek kissed me long and hard.

Flame beamed with pride as she took Terrek and me to the side.

“You two are very impressive, and you went through training hard and fast. Most recruits would not have been able to achieve graduation at the rate we put you through. Tarin, Laverian, and Earthlings are impressive indeed.”

Flame, was genuinely happy and proud for all of us.

“Please enjoy tonight and tomorrow and get to know your newly upgraded ship. We have a meeting with Empress Zion tomorrow night.” Flame said as we boarded the jump ship to transport us to the atmosphere entry port.

Chapter 15
