“Shall we go to our ship? I am a bit hungry now.” Terrek said eagerly as he walked up to Flame and me.

Candy rubbed against my thigh and chuffed.

“Okay, boys, let’s get on home.”

Chapter 14



e returned to my ship and went to the cargo area to the wall of the life pods. After scanning the inventory, we found that Andromeda had collared and collected the four females. The AI arms then placed the four pods on the main floor.

“Here we go,” I said as I initiated the pods to open and wake the four females collared and stolen from the planet Tarin.

Flame and I had laid blankets on them and had clothes ready, folded, and placed over the end of the pods.

“Don’t be afraid, ladies. We are here to rescue y’all.” I tried to say in a soothing voice.

Hoping the universal translator Harmony gifted to me worked in Tarin languages, too.

These women were so much like Earth females. Fearful eyes woke up one by one and became aware. The redhead with long curly hair and green eyes, her freckled face, and dark skin. Sat up, her confused, sleepy, beautiful face morphed into absolute terror when her eyes landed on Terrek.

“Woah, it’s okay, sweetie. He won’t harm you.” I looked at Terrek and my Candy.

“Terrek honey, please take Candy away for now. I think ya’ll might be a bit too scary for these ladies as soon as they wake up, and settle, I’ll introduce them later.”

“Allow me to release you from those stupid collars.” I offered as Terrek stepped back with his hands raised palm out.

“I mean no harm. I will take Candy to the chow hall. Be careful, Darah.” Terrek gave me a slight nod and then he looked at Flame. They had some silent exchange. Then he turned and left with Candy.

Flame and I took a few steps back, allowing the female’s the room to get up freely and out of the pods as they needed.

“Hello, my name is Darah, and this is Flame. We are here to help.” I tried to explain to the scared females.

The redhead slowly exited the pod, holding the blanket on her.

The short-haired, Pixie-looking lady with wide brown eyes crawled out of her pod to get next to the tall redhead, who tried to place herself in front of the others.

“This one is the natural leader of these women.” Flame whispered behind me.

I stood back, trying to look as friendly as possible. The third female was short and curvy and had shoulder-length, natural, curly black hair. Her light blue eyes popped in contrast to her ebony skin.

The last female was petite and thin. Her long, straight, jetblack hair fell past her waist. She had golden light brown eyes and she crouched behind the short, curvy dark lady. They all stood behind the redhead, as they stared at Flame and me with fear. I pulled the collar control device out of my back pocket.

“Here, let me help you get those collars off?” I asked as I slowly approached the redhead. She stood still, glowering at me with untrusting eyes.

“I get it, and I don’t expect you to accept that we are the good guys, not without proof,” I said as I released the redhead from that slaver collar.

I held the collar in my hand and showed her how to use the device to lock and unlock the collar. Without words, I handed the device to the redhead, who took it, looking at me skeptically.

“Please, release your friends.” I stepped back with Flame and watched the redhead as she released her friends.

“You see, even these females want us to prove our worthiness before they freely trust. I will like these Tarinites.” Flame whispered.

Flame stood beside me, with her intense evaluation of the ladies.

“Okay, you may have a point, but try not to scare them.” I agreed with Flame.