The air was rich and clean with oxygen, so much so that it reminded me of an oxygen bar I once used at a mall. Candy sniffed the air, He bolted as he hopped-ran fast. The pure delight Candy had out in nature filled me with giddiness. I would make it a point to find nature so he could stretch his legs and run as he should.

I picked up a stick to see if he would play fetch. To my delight, he loved to fetch.

“That’s a good boy!” I cheered him on as we played for hours. Flame and Terrek took turns throwing the stick for a very playful Candy. We all seemed caught up in the delightfulness of being outside together in peace.

“Darah, you amaze me,” Terrek said as he held me from behind as Flame played fetch with Candy.

“I never could have imagined playing with a Chetaht and having a good time amid all the worry I carry for my planet and my kind. Being here with you, somehow, I feel like I can face anything as long as I have you by my side.” Terrek confided in my ear.

The sky grew darker, and Flame walked close to us as she dusted herself off.

“I cannot remember the last time I laughed this much. Thanks to you two, I have had a much-needed reprieve from my duties.” Flame said with a saucy wink.

Candy chuffed, ran to Terrek and rubbed Terrek’s thigh affectionately.

“Really? Candy?” Terrek asked, surprised as he knelt down, petting Candy’s big ears. I stepped away from them to give my boys a chance to bond.

“That’s sweet.” Flame leaned in and whispered to me as I stood next to her to watch.

“They look like two peas in a pod, I knew they’d eventually warm up to each other. Melts my heart. I love seeing Terrek happy. He deserves a good life. I intend to help him have that.” I said.

“I will help you. I joined the Galaxy Force to do good and save people. I can’t stand a tyrant. These Kanenites have no honor.” Flame vowed.

“I cannot express how grateful I am to know you and have your support and friendship, Flame.”

“I understand, and those boys must get used to me.” Flame said with a smile.

That smile melted something inside me. I took a deep breath as tingles heated throughout my body. I turned to look at my boys playing.

“I am sure we all will love having you around more,” I said once I collected myself. Flame smiled as she watched the boys play.

“We need to leave soon.” She said, looking at her wrist device. Flame had taken her form-fitting uniform jacket off and wore a casual black tank top underneath.

Seeing her skin and her body in this revealing undershirt, caused heat to flush my cheeks as arousal thrums like a heartbeat at my core. I tried to deflect that reaction and mention her alien-like tattoos.

“I like your golden tattoos. It looks like moving metal is under the surface of your skin.”

Flame put her uniform jacket back on to cover her markings. For the first time, I saw a shadow of insecurity in Flames’ features.

“I am sorry. I meant no offence to ya Flame.”

“No, Darah, it’s me. I had an injury that should have retired me from my service requirements. Instead, I decided to get an experimental surgery that gave me implants. The marking is an unavoidable display of my disability.” Flame seemed embarrassed.

My people are not very accepting of weakness. I have to prove my worthiness constantly. Some think that because my mother is Empress Zion, I am somehow getting a special exception for my title as commander.”

Flame laughed. “If they truly knew my mother, they’d never assume I would be treated with special liberties. In fact, my mother expects more of me than anyone else.”

“I was enjoying the day so much. I just didn’t think you would notice my markings, and now that you have, I worry you will think less of me for my markings. As they are proof, I needed a procedure to function properly again.”

I wanted to pull her in for a hug and kiss her senselessly, bringing back that sultry gaze of hers.

“Fuck those judgmental assholes! From what I have seen, you are a badass package of awesome! You are a worthy woman to me, Flame.

My mom would say you’re handicapable, not disabled. I think your markings are beautiful. On Earth, people would flock to get tattoos that flow like golden liquid. You should flaunt it like a badge.”

Flame Smiled. “I am not sure of some of your Earth Speech, but I understand. Thank you for seeing me and not judging me.”

Damn, I have to stop myself from kissing her. I thought I needed to have a candid conversation with Terrek soon. His gorgeous smile and shining black eyes looked at me with hunger as he and Candy walked back towards us.