“Exactly!” I smiled at her.

I am unsure how I feel about Kane or Hecat, but I trust Harmony. She is the only God with my loyalty at the moment.» I said confidently about my Goddess.

“Laverian and Tarin are class two and three planets, and we have strict laws preventing us from interfering. However, these Kanenites think they should avoid our laws. Now that they have harvested these worlds. We need to assimilate a new reality for them.

We will need to assess the dangers of the Kanenites and see if these planets can handle introducing some of our technology and knowledge to upgrade the primitive planets to class seven. It is an exception we must make. So close to Kane’s borders, “Empress Zion explained.

“Makes sense to me, momma always said you can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube. These planets now know about space travel.” I agreed.

“Every Galactic planet class five and above has an emperor or empress to represent that world. I represent this training base for the Gia’s females. I propose you and Terrek of Laverian be the Emperor and Empress of the galactic forces for Laverian.”

I looked at Terrek. “Do you want to represent Laverian with me? What will your people think?” I asked.

“My world was harvested. It might be too late to represent. I will accept this title for now if we accomplish saving my kind. I will revisit this role and see if my people accept this of me.”

“Agreed and we will save your people,” I said, determined to save Laverian for Terrek.

“It is settled. Welcome to The Galactic Empires of the Hecat’s Universe.” Empress Zion said with a proud smile, her red eyes shining.

“Flame, I will assign you to Terrek and Darah to upgrade Laverian’s assimilation to the Galactic Empire.” Empress Zion ordered.

“Yes, Mom.” Flame responded; her sultry gaze focused on me.

“Yes, Empress Zion. Excuse my informal slip.

“Child, I see you are distracted. No need for formalities. We are not officially on duty, dear. All is forgiven. I will speak with you all soon.” Empress Zion rose from the table and left us to finish up.

“I think it is time we upgrade your ship and deal with the lives you have stored in that cargo dock. Darah, I will give you a Galactic ship. That is far superior to the Kanenites ship you stole. ” Flame suggested as she was getting right to work.

“I want to keep my stolen ship. It symbolizes my first steps toward getting myself on the right path. To live in a way to honor my family who passed.” I said.

Flame cupped my face. I felt the need to rub my head into her hand. I forced myself to smile at her as I maneuvered back, I bent down to pet Candy.

“I understand how you are attached.” Flame said sweetly.

“I’d like to find a place on the surface so Candy can stretch his legs since we were on the surface. Is there a place he can run for a bit before we head back up?”

I looked at Flame, who smiled brightly back at me. My heart fluttered loudly under the beam of her gaze.

“Of course, follow me.” Flame said.

I smiled at Empress Zion. I was somewhat unsure of my new Empress title. I had never been shittin’ in high cotton in my life, the title Empress seems like a lie. But, I am very grateful to Empress Zion for her support. I stood to follow Flame.

“Thank you, your majesty.” I look forward to working with you and for the Galactic Empires.”

She smiled, “No need to be so formal when we are not in an official meeting or event. I look forward to knowing you better, Empress Darah. After all, we are practically Family now. Once things settle, we will arrange a proper coronation on your planet, Laverian. ” Empress Zion looked at Flame affectionately.

“I have a feeling I will be getting to know you and Terrek a lot better here in the near future.” Her smiling eyes looked at me as if she knew a secret I wasn’t privy to yet.

“Looking forward to it,” I said taken aback as we walked away.

Terrek grabbed my hand as we followed Flame. Flame took us to a hover transport, and we glided it toward the training field.

“This is a wild training field where we send our recruits once they have advanced to test their survival skills in case they crash or need to be covert in wild conditions.” Flame looked at Candy, eagerly looking out the window, purring and chuffing with his tail wagging happily.

“We just had a graduation for our advanced recruits who made it through training, so this area is clear for now. It is safe for him to hunt and run.”

Flame stopped the hover transport, and we all exited. Feeling the outside air and the breeze on my face had me relax and truly take in the moment of being on another new planet. I was thrilled it wasn’t hotter than all get out this time.