I saw the first wave of Kanenites fighter pods launching toward the planet. On instinct, I stood before Darah and looked up at the viewing display on the ceiling.

The space laser cannons lit up the darkness of space. Firing at the enemy, the first of the Kanenites war pods exploded, but a few cleared the lasers and hit the red pulsing shield surrounding the planet.

I saw Flame standing confident and giving orders. I fought my need to collect her and shield both of my females. The Kanenites war pods that encountered the planet’s shield bounced back into space with a blanket of electrical lightning, suffocating the entire war pod for a few moments until the pod imploded. The display of lights and colors was eerily beautiful. The lightning flew back into the protective shield, and the first strike terminated the invaders.

“They are testing our defenses.” Flame said with a smirk.

This female was ready for battle; I could sense her eagerness. She was reveling with a battle high. I truly hope she was as capable as she was confident. Because I have seen my planet plucked dry of everything by these Kanenites.

I don’t want that sorrow to replace this female’s confidence. I am happy to have a fierce warrior join my life and be there to protect Darah. I will die for them. My nature wants me to shelter them away from danger. But the Gods saw fit to give me capable, stubborn females I know will not want me to shelter them as I wish to.

“How do you produce the power level to protect your planet?” Darah asked in awe.

My mate stepped out from behind me. She was still staring up at the viewing screen.

“We convert sunlight. We store our collected power to distribute throughout our planet, our atmosphere shield, our ships, and everything mechanical is powered by our sun.”

“That’s incredible!” Darah spoke.

“We have propulsion engines with core banks where the power runs for a thousand years before it needs to be plugged into a converter to recharge. Our shield and laser will outlast these Kanenites.”

“Gias has magnificent warrior women.” I praised.

“However, there is no need to wait them out. I have already requested assistance from our patrol fleet, which is inbound now. These fools are about to get their asses handed to them by our Galaxtic enforcers.” Flame said with a grin, showcasing her broad white teeth where two dainty fangs popped out suddenly.

If these two beautiful females aren’t the death of me, I will be surprised. I thought, eager to kiss Flame. I wanted her fangs to leave a mate mark on my other shoulder.

The viewing screen zoomed in on the outer perimeter where the Kanenites fleet surrounded the planet. Flame’s face appeared on a screen before us as she stood tall and confident. Fierce with her teeth on display, she had a battle-ready expression.

“Hear me now, enemy, return to the hole you crawled out of or die; it is as simple as that.” Flame’s voice was menacing.

Damn, this female was sexy! I could smell that Darah was aroused as well as she looks at Flame with a blush creeping into her cheeks. I forced myself to concentrate on the fight and not these distracting females.

After she had finished her message, her image was closed from the viewing screen. Flame gave Darah and I a sultry glance before she focused on her display of viewing screens.

The ceiling viewing screen lit up with a space fighter fight surrounding the planet in a grid of fighters. The Galactic enforcer ships decloaked themselves and attacked.

Flame was right, in just under an hour the Kanenites were annihilated. Only a few were reported to have retreated successfully. One warship was being towed to port for interrogation.

Cloaked Galactic enforcers were tracking the retreating Kanenites to spy and collect intel.

I pulled Darah in for a hug and kissed her head.

“Mate, I am so thankful I have you,” I whispered. Feeling very relieved that this battle was over for the time being.

We both kissed and focused on Flame, silently watching her work.

I wondered at that moment if Darah finally realized what Flame was to us.


I broke free from that steamy kiss. I saw Flame watching us, her eyes hooded in lust. She quickly adjusted and turned her attention back to the viewing screens. My palms sweated, and my heartbeat thrummed in my ears. I couldn’t tell if my feelings resulted from his kiss or Flame’s alluring gaze. I shook it off. This was not the time. Realizing we had won this battle, I shouted out loud.

“Yes! Woohoo! That’s what I am talking about!”

In excitement, cheering on my new friends. The Gia›s female warriors kicked some serious ass. Flame had this look of confidence and pride that I admired.

“I am totally Team Flame. Remind me never to piss you off,” I said as I held up my hand to high-five Flame.