My gut knotted with a feeling of impending doom. Why my anxiety had gripped me all of a sudden, I did not yet know. My instinct was to grab Darah, find Flame, and get them somewhere safe.

I would not let Darah out of my sight, not until I know she was safe. Part of me was happy the deadly beast is so attached to my mate. I knew Candy would defend her if we needed to fight.

Seeing Flame as we entered her command station calmed my worry about her. At least the two of them were close enough that I could get to both of them if needed. Flame was busy directing her crew, monitors were up, the ceiling was a viewing image of another hologram.

I had never seen anything like it in all my life. We were in the outer atmosphere of the Gia’s planet. The electric grid that surrounded the planet was now pulsing red. When we arrived, it was like a clear shield that shimmered, almost like a glass window.

The grid of satellites that held armed laser cannons sat outside the red pulsing shield surrounding the planet. The war pods were hovering in formation, making their own grid of pilots ready to defend the planet. These females were truly battle skilled.

I wished my world could have had a fighting chance. If we had a way of defending ourselves, we would have never been harvested. My mate was wise coming here for allies.

“How can we help?” Darah asked when Flame finally landed her red eyes in our direction.

“We discovered that the Kanenites were planning on attacking us since we are the closest galactic defense to their borders. Our star system had never surveyed the outer boundaries of our universe because we weren’t aware that it existed. We haven’t even discovered the class three planet’s Laverian and Tarin yet. If it weren’t for you and the Goddess Harmony, we would be ambushed without intel on our new enemy.” Flame gave Darah a grateful gaze.

“Your ship sent a message with a radio wave we are unfamiliar with. it was sent out just minutes before our sensors picked up on the inbound invasion fleet. We are still trying to decipher the message,” Flame said.

As she turned to address another alarm that beeped on the command monitor.

I felt Darah tense as she turned to face Andromeda. Candy’s fur glowed as he snarled at Andromeda.

“Did you send the Kanenites a message? Is that why you were in my command center?” Darah asked in a low, calm tone.

The scared female backed up until she hit the wall, her hands out in a plea.

“No, I wouldn’t know how. They kidnapped me. I have no reason to send them anything. I swear, please believe me.”

Candy licked his fang and crouched. He looked up at Darah, waiting for permission to attack.

“No, Boy, not yet,” Darah said, and those fangs lost their grin and hissed in disappointment.

“I am about to rattle that bitch bald myself!” Darah said in her angry southern accent.

Part of me wanted to see her fight the untrustworthy female. I like it when she is angry it was sexy to me.

Darah stared at her with true suspicion. Without looking away from Andromeda, she spoke loudly.

“Flame, can I ask that you have Andromeda detained in a holding cell until we get to the bottom of this message thing?”

“She has not been scanned for worthiness, agreed, take her now. I will deal with her after she is scanned.” Flame said as two fully masked soldiers took Andromeda away.

I heard her crying about how unfairly she was being handled until the doors closed. Candy was completely relaxed, his tail swooshing and eager for Darah’s attention.

“There’s a good boy.” Darah kissed him and hugged the deadly beast as he chuffed and purred.

We held hands and stood back when she stood up as we watched Flame coordinate her army for an attack.

Flame zoomed her view screen in on the space just beyond the reach of their laser cannon.

A grid of Kanenites crafts like the one Darah stole hovered still. Surrounding the Gias planet with its own formation that matched the defense setup of Gias. Battle lines were drawn and ready. My heart pounded, and fear crept in as I realized the Kanenites were incoming.

“Whatever happens, stay next to me, Darah. I love you. If this is the day I die, I will die fighting for you.” I insisted. Darah gave me a tight hug and kissed me strongly.

“It’s not that easy to get rid of me, big guy. Don’t worry, Terrek, we are about to kick some serious ass. You’ll see.” This female amazes me.

“I’d like to see that,” I said as I pulled her close to my side. I was still not taking any chances.

I kept an eye on Flame, trying to calculate the steps it would take for me to get to her. We may not have completed the bonds between us, but I will also protect her.