“Come now, tell me about Candy and Andromeda as I take you back to your stolen vessel.” Flame had spoken as she broke eye contact with Terrek and tried to compose herself.

Terrek looked at everything with bright, dark eyes. He had a boyish charm about his curiosity as we followed Flame.

I told Flame how the Goddess sent me to Laverian and how I met Candy and Terrek. I caught her up to how I ended up there on Gias and how simple it seemed to take the ship from the Kanenites. Flame paid close attention to me as I spoke.

Her gaze felt tangible whenever she looked upon me. I was eager to keep her attention now that her coldness was gone. Flame seemed scary and formidable at first, but I’d quickly forgotten. I only had a desire for her, and everything I saw was remarkable and alluring.

“I want to have our technicians scan your ship and learn about the Kanenites’ ability to fight us.” Flame said suddenly, professionally.

She glanced at me and then Terrek, and before our eyes, she shook off her soft allure and became all business. The contrast was a shock. I tried not to let my hurt feelings show as I opened my ship’s doors, lowering the ramp so we could enter my stolen ship.

“I know they used translator chips on the slaves. They store them in the infirmary so the slavers can give commands. But I understand that it is a limited translation. If needed, I can translate anything on board if that helps.” I announce, trying to be helpful hoping to get her soft intoxicating attention again.

Flame called for her technicians, she took a scanning device, and they followed us on board.

“Gias has AI translation tags throughout our planet and ships. It scans the mind and feeds the natural speech into our tags so we can speak freely to visitors. The Laverian and Earth languages is now known to the Galactic Empires.” Flame said. My mind blown from the wild advancement of the AI scans.

“The Kanenites must have a less advanced translation system than our Galactic empire source.” Flame mentioned with intrigue.

We found Candy, his pastel colors glowing with his tale pointed at Andromeda in the chow hall. I walked up to him and started to rub his ears.

“Candy, are you harassing Andromeda again?”

He just chuffed and let his fur dim as he rubbed against my thigh. He gave Terrek a look. He’s still not his biggest fan, but I could tell Terrek was in a better standing than Andromeda as far as Candy was concerned.

Candy saw several of the Gias people as they entered the room. He gazed at them and stepped in front of me, never taking his pointed tail off our life pod guest, who was now to his back. My sweet Candy doesn’t like her.

“I would keep your distance from my baby Candy. He can be a bit moody at times,” I warned Flame.

She seemed impressed by my pastel-colored guardian. She waved the group of her soldiers to step back a few feet.

“That’s an understatement,” Andromeda said with attitude.

“Hey now! He hasn’t eaten you yet.” I said playfully as I pulled on his big ears.

“This is Andromeda. I found her in the cargo life pod area. I also have those Kanenites spacemen in stasis down there too.”

Flame was harsh towards Andromeda as she assessed her directly. Flame’s stance and menacing gaze toward Andromeda looked like she was about to fight Andromeda herself.

“She needs to be deemed worthy or not,” Flame said with a wicked grin, daring Andromeda not to be worthy. This woman was sexy and scary all at once.

“What does it mean to you and your people to be worthy?” I asked, curious.

“Worthy means you are good. Not worthy means you are bad. We won’t give our positive energy to evil things. We fight bad, unworthy beings. We don’t want evil to grow and infect our universe. Worthiness is essential to establish right away.” Flame said as she glared at Andromeda.

“Okay, I think I understand that. But Andromeda claims she is from a class three planet. I am from a class three planet as well. We don’t have machines that scan people to tell us if people are worthy or good or bad or evil. I was raised to give people the benefit of the doubt. Which means trust someone until they give you a reason not to trust them.”

Flame looked appalled at that notion. “You trust unknown people before knowing they are worthy? Evil beings cause harm.” Flame said.

Candy smelled Flame’s outreached hand and seemed to accept her. He allowed her to step closer to me. We sat a table away from Andromeda as his tail aimed her way, ever vigilant.

“You see, even your beast scans for worthiness.” Flame said as she sat next to us.

My feelings make me suspicious of Andromeda. Maybe on some level our intuition and feelings are a form of worthiness detection.

“I told Andromeda I would return her to her planet, Tarin, after I met with your people,” I said and saw Andromeda perk up.

“Please, I want this nightmare to stop. I want to go home and pretend this is all a bad dream.” Andromeda pouted meekly. Candy started to glow and growled softly toward her.