“Uhm . . . is everything okay?” I asked softly as my voice echoed off the walls of the hall. Terrek looked at me wide-eyed.

“As long as I have you, I am well.” He spoke sweetly.

Terrek was looking into my eyes with wonderment. “Aren’t you just a tall glass of sweet tea.” I winked at him.

The red-eyed female rose from her reverie first as the two gods faded from our view. She quickly joined Terrek and me, assessing us with a spark in her gaze. There was a softness in the lady with red eyes as she helped Terrek and me sit beside her. We watched all present shake off the wonderment and power of the god’s visit.

The stern woman from before was gone as she looked us both over. It was enthralling to have her attention. Her changing disposition from cold and aloof to alluring with interest had my stomach flutter with butterflies. Before I could even evaluate my reaction. My focus was drawn to the booming voice of the leader.

“There was no denying the feeling of the Goddess or the feel of our maker, the God Hecat.” Announced the woman in charge with graying hair.

Reverently, she turned her head towards the ceiling as if saying a silent prayer. She slowly regained her composure, standing to re-seat herself before the rest of the room followed her example.

“Welcome, Darah, the chosen one of the Goddess Harmony.”

Every female placed their right fist over their heart and bowed toward me with a respectful salute. I mimic their greeting, bending back at them.

“Thank you for finding us worthy,” I said.

“You have graced us with the blessing of the gods. How can we assist you.?” The lead woman asked.

“I need your assistance fighting for my mate’s home planet. We need to fight the Kanenites and recover the resources that were stolen. According to the ship’s files, the Laverian people have been sold for slavery. They were only a class two protected planet. I read the Spies report and have learned this much. I read they intend to harvest Gias next. I am hoping my enemy being your enemy will compel you to assist us, we need to save the slaves and resources that these evil beings have harvested. Please, will you help save the Laverian people?”

“We know of some things based on that tablet you gave us. I do not know how this planet was left undefended, but I will find out. We will need full access to your ship to gather as much intel as possible for our new quest. Our duty and honor to rally with you and fight these Kanenites.”

“Thank you,” I said in genuine gratitude. Terrek pulled me in for a hug and held my hand.

“My mate, ready to fight for my tribe and planet, Darah, I love you.” He gave me a sweet kiss.

I had almost forgotten that we had an audience when I heard the red-eyed female clear her throat to interrupt us.

I felt my cheeks blush as I turned to face the council again.

“Sorry,” I said as I stood tall, composing myself. Terrek squeezed my hand reassuringly.

“I am Empress Zion. We have much to discuss. However, it may be wiser to show you to our guest residence and let you relax for the day. We can resume our discussions tomorrow.” The Empress said as she nodded toward us and turned to leave, dismissing everyone.

“Wait! I can’t stay here. I need to return to my ship. I have Candy and Andromeda on board.”

The Empress stopped and looked at the red-eyed female next to Terrek and I. “Escort her to her ship and assist her with whatever she needs.”

“As you wish, Empress Zion.” The red-eyed female bowed her head respectfully as the council of females as they left us in the hall.

“Empress Zion. Sounds important.” I whispered to Terrek.

“Yes, she is the most important among us.” The female who now gives me butterflies said as she and the two guards approached us.

“My name is Flame. I am glad you are worthy.” Flame bowed with her fist placed over her heart, greeting me officially.

She was as pretty as a peach and her new disposition had me wanting to know her. Wanting to be close to her.

“It is very nice to meet you, Flame.” I said, mimicking her, with my fist over my heart as I bowed.

Flames sultry eyes met mine, and something stirred inside me again. She gave me a smirk that said she knew something I did not. Flame broke her hypnotizing eye contact with me and gave Terrek her full attention. I felt him jolt as my hand held his.

I get it. There is something about Flame. A fitting name for her as she ignites my insides with need. I saw them stare at each other as if no one else existed. Should I have been disturbed? I felt a sense of joy, a feeling of compersion, witnessing some intimate bonding between my mate and Flame.

I wondered if Flame had that effect on everyone. She had just gazed at me like that; I was still trying to shake off the warm tingles she had given me. Maybe aliens just had that effect on beings.