“It’s hotter than Satan’s hell cat.” Darah said as she pulled against her collar and pulled her arm sleaves up when we exited the craft.

We were escorted into the building as the seamless glass opened allowing us entry only to become solid the moment, we all were inside. The floor was smooth and grey. I could not tell if it was stone or some alien element unknown to me. The walls were grand with a design that was framing many weapons.

“Yes, it is much cooler inside here.” Darah said with relief. I reached out to take her hand.

There was a viewing screen that had a show of many different flying crafts that flashed one by one showing off its armor and weapons. We followed our warrior woman down a bright hall that had many more weapons on display.

She opened a door and took us past many open seats. At the front of this large open room, she asked us to sit in these big chairs that sat in display before a raised seating area.

I looked at Darah, her brave face fell briefly and I saw the fear she tried to hide. She made eye contact and I tried to tell her without words how proud I was of her and I was here whatever we face. We were locked down in place. I growled in protest, my nature wanting to resist the bindings.

“We will be fine.” Darah tried to soothe me.

I am feeling a bit claustrophobic myself.» She softly took a deep breath.

I did not like her discomfort, but I knew she wanted me to play nice for now. I certainly did not want to fight when first meeting our new mate.

We were facing a raised panel. A group of females walked in and took seats. By my count, twelve females sat staring down at us. The red-eyed female that brought us here stood off by the wall next to the armed guards.

The leader was older, intimidating, and gorgeous all at the same time, her red hair highlighted with gray, her red eyes piercing and missing nothing in her hard evaluating gaze. She took the center seat and spoke directly in front of us.

Test the newcomers now.» She demanded as machines came out of our chairs and probed us. A suction of some kind was applied to my forehead, and everything went dark.

Chapter 10



he Goddess Harmony came to my mind in my dream. Or I felt like it was a dream.

“Darah is worthy, and so is her mate.”

I heard her chiming with her magical melodic voice. Her

mate, Hecat, stood beside her. I heard the collective gasp of the audience that surrounded us. Murmurs of our God and Goddess appearing before us.

“This is the Goddess Harmony. She is my true bond mate. You will obey her as you would me.” Hecat declared pridefully.

The images of the Gods before us were overwhelmingly powerful. Somehow, I knew that this was just a projection of them. The scrambling of movement was all I heard, with subtle cries and whispers of reverie.

“We praise you, our God Hecat.” “We welcome your Goddess. We praise her, as well.”

Harmony turned to me. Stand Darah, you are worthy. She smiled at me so beautifully that it hurt to look upon her. The straps of the worthiness detection chair flew away from me with a flip of the Goddess’s hand.

Harmony gave me a warm feeling. She covered me in love and affection as she faded from my dream. I awoke standing tall with all of my five-foot-two frame.

My eyes scanned the stunned faces that surrounded me as they rose from the prone positions they took while going to the floor in submission to the Gods.

“Wait, that really happened?” I said out loud.

In a haze of shock, I numbly turned to my mate, who was still in his chair. The worthy chair that held Terrek displayed holographic images above his head.

This shows Terrek as he discovered his village and his despair for his people. I saw the beautiful structures that made up the homes in his village. Earthy style homes reminding me of cabins. My heart broke for him. I wanted to remove him from the chair when it glowed green, deeming Terrek worthy.

I ran to him, ignoring my chair, which had been flashing green since Harmony released me from the machine. Terrek stood fast from his chair. He shook his head, seemingly confused. I grabbed his hand and stood silently as we faced the council women.

The females were bowed with their heads on the floor, up on the panel in front of us. I was confused as I looked around. The red-eyed female and the two-armed guards also bowed on the floor.