Darah glanced at me, silently questioning my “Fuck!” remark.

I just shook his head and mouthed, “Later.”

“Okay, buddy, you got some explaining to do later,” she said.

The Gias red-eyed female had no horns, her dark red hair was pulled back in a tight knot on her head, I craved to see her hair fall loose. I wanted to see more of her but viewing screen only showed her face and the dark collar of her uniform. Her alluring face highlighted her bright red eyes. The Gods saw fit to pair me with two gorgeous pale skinned aliens.

Darah flew her stolen ship as we followed the two mean-looking crafts that flew next to us, the viewing screen showing us the angles and storing the information on the systems of the ship. As the AI examined the crafts, I watched with curiosity. I thought this ship was terrifying with its scanning and the God’s powers.

The escort craft has weapon’s that moved on every part of the surface that faced us a show of force. This had me worried. The Gia’s battleships were intense and intimidating.

The blackness of the craft was so dark it faded in and out of view. As one flew circles around us, scanning our craft, the weapons retreated to the surface and came out whenever the craft changed positions as it scanned. The craft seemed huge on the viewing screen.

The two intimidating ships escorted us through the laser weapons grid surrounding the planet. We saw a docking station hovering like a satellite above the planet’s atmosphere. Darah landed like an expert in the space station bay.

We left Candy to guard Andromeda’s door as Darah and I exited our craft to greet the soldiers waiting on the dock. A line of battle-ready figures cloaked in head-to-foot-black military gear stood as a show of force to greet us. I raised my empty hands, following Darah’s movements.

The vacuum of space sat peacefully behind us. The interior was metallic and the ships and droids seemed organized. The air was crisp and clean, but the grouping of warriors had me on alert.

Hello, I come in peace,» Darah said in greeting.

She smiled a friendly smile. I moved in front of her and growled a warning. They don›t seem too friendly to me.

“It’s okay, Terrek let me by.” She insisted as she took steps to stand next to me.

I reluctantly allowed her to stand tall next to me. It’s not the best position for me to defend her. I just wanted my Darah to be happy.

A tall female moved through the small army of beings before us. They parted a path as she came forward to meet us. This is the lady that was on the monitor. Our mate. Her eyes scanned my mate and then ,they roamed over me assessing us.

Her stern face flickered with a slight look of recognition and shock. Our new mate understood that she was our fated mate. I gave her a knowing smile. Our new mate recovered quickly and regained her warrior stare. When her eyes met Darah’s again, she spoke.

“Why have you come?” She asked firmly.

“Hello, I am Darah of Earth, from another universe far away. This is my mate Terrek of Laverian. We have come because I was asked to by the Goddess Harmony. I want to show you something.” Darah said.

Darah offered her a tablet with the logged information.

“This has information that shows how the Kanenites have been harvesting and selling slaves taken from class two and three planets that go unnoticed. Also, you will see that Gias is on the scheduled next to be harvest. You will be attacked soon. We came to warn you and ask for your assistance to help us rescue the people of Laverian.” Darah explained as she handed it over.

A vast machine started to scan our ship that was parked behind us. The invisible atmosphere shield protected us from the space outside the port.

That would have been mesmerizing if I wasn’t so worried for Darah’s safety.

“I go where Darah goes.” I demanded.

I hoped our new mate was a worthy soul. All these devices made me uneasy. These Gias soldiers were not friendly.

“Come.” The red-eyed female with dark red braided hair demanded as she turned and walked to a door on the dock. I couldn’t help but admire her ass as she walked ahead of us. I could not let this female distract me. I struggled to ignore my need to embrace this new female.

Darah and I followed the lady to the door. A scanning laser washed over Darah and I and beeped green. We were allowed to enter through the door, and we continued to follow the tall, fiercely sexy lady. She ushered us into a small waiting area. We sat in black chairs while two armed guards watched us.

“Stay here until I return.” The woman simply said.

She looked me up and down and then scanned her eyes over Darah. She momentarily lost her stern expression again and hunger bled into her eyes. She seemed to catch herself and quickly resumed her hard disposition as she turned and left us to wait without another word.

“She seems cool like a cucumber,” Darah said as she rolled her eyes.

“I am not sure I expected such a cold greeting. Plus, I have a strange urge to follow that female. Is she another alien that secretes pheromones to lure prey in?” Darah asked quietly to me.