“I imagine you’re hungry, so why don’t we start there? Follow me, please.”

I turned and walked to the chow hall as Candy walked behind me. He kept his tail pointed at the lady like a gun. Odd, I will have to ask Terrek about the Chetaht breed and see what that was about.

Chapter 8



sat at a table as I watched the woman get her food. She sat at another table and faced me as she ate. I petted Candy as he still pointed his tail at her and stayed in front of me. I noticed he kept himself between Andromeda and I at all times.

“What planet are you from? Who are your people?” I asked, trying to get information to research and learn about this female. She looked scared, and I felt a bit bad for her. Again, I could tell it was not my genuine response.

“I am from a small planet called Tarin. It is more of a moon world as we are a satellite to a giant gas planet in the terrain sector. I need to look up that planet. I haven’t had much time to figure out many things. While trying to get to Gias, I hope the planet Gias will hear me out. I needed to find time to look up this Tarin planet at some point soon.

“I heard whoever had grabbed me say to his companion that he liked how I looked for a class three planet. For an inhabitant from the Terrain sector.” Andromeda shrugged.

“I never knew space people existed. I am sorry I ever found out.” The female pouted.

I felt a sense of her lying. Maybe she was just scared, and I perceived it as some kind of manipulation of my senses.

I am sorry the space people kidnapped you. I did not take you. I just took this ship to save myself and my people. Lucky for you, I was successful.»

Her eyebrow rose curiously as she looked at me. Candy tensed and started to glow. His tail still pointed at her.

Calm, boy, it›s okay.» I soothed as his fur dimmed again.

“Can you just take me home, please?” The woman asked tearfully.

I went to a thumb screen and activated the wall tablet. I scanned the charted stars for a route to Tarin. It was in a system far from Gias. I really needed to go to Gias first.

“I’ll Tell you what, I will take you home, eventually. But you need to wait. My crew and I must make a stop at Gias. We have a job to do, and I can’t ignore it. Lives are at stake. If you are trustworthy, I will take you home. If you lie to me, betray us, I will let Candy eat you, we clear?” I stared her down.

Andromeda was tearing up, her lip trembling as she looked at me, scared. “Yes, I understand.”

Something in my gut has me alarmed. So, I would keep one eye open concerning her. My empathic ability seems blocked when reading her energy. That in itself was unnerving. I scanned her thumb and locked her out of my ship’s systems, only allowing her access to a room I assigned her and the chow hall.

Andromeda looked relieved when I left her in her room. Candy relaxed fully as the doors slid shut. His tail was swooping without that stinger point.

I went to check on Terrek sleeping. The sight of him calmed my frazzled nerves. I snuggled with him, letting all my unease fade. Feeling safe next to Terrek, I slept for the night. On day two of Terrek’s sleeping, I took Candy to the chow hall and fed him his meat. His portion doubled with his growth.

In a matter of days, he grew so fast. He was somewhere between a leopard-size and a horse now—a giant cat-rabbit with his hop and prancing movement. I opened a room next to ours so Candy could have his own bed. I made sure his doors stayed open. I would never have imagined the little baby fur ball becoming this big predator. I am glad he loves me.

I opened the doors to the crew showers, and Candy used a space in the corner for his potty spot. The clean bots took care of the cleanup. I liked this captain gig so far. We should arrive at the planet Gias in the next cycle of this ship’s timer.

So, I am guessing that means tomorrow. I expect Terrek to wake up soon, probably hungry and disoriented. My monitors show that the Tarin woman has not even left her room to get food. I walked to her cabin to escort her to the chow hall to ensure Andromeda ate.

Candy was even more fierce-looking now that he was so grown. As we approached her room, Candy started to glow, his tail on stinger mode, facing her door.

“No wonder she won’t even come out to eat. She was terrified she would be the one eaten,” I said to Candy, petting his head and his big rabbit ears.

“Now stop being so mean, Candy. Let her give us a reason for it first.” I scolded him.

He let his fur dim but kept his tail trigger up and pointed. His face was still menacing as I opened Andie’s door.

Knock, knock. It’s me, Darah. I just wanted to make sure you get something to eat.» I said, waiting outside the door in the hall.

Andromeda slowly stepped out into the hall with us, her wide eyes on Candy’s tail. She stepped farther away from us, keeping several feet back.