Candy roared at the woman, letting his fur glow bright and bending low, ready to pounce, while his tail was prepared to sting like a scorpion. The woman looked terrified. She gasped in fear, tears brimming her eyes. She brought her hands to her mouth. She looked scared, but something is not right. Somehow, I don’t feel like her display of fear is real.

“Please don’t let your beast eat me!” She pleaded with soft whimpers.

My ear picked up an echo between her authentic dialect and my understanding of her translation in English. She used her hands to brush her hair behind her ears nervously—her un-human-like ears. They were pointed and drooped a bit, reminding me of the pig›s ears on the ranch back home. Her ears were more feminine and dainty on her, though.

“My name is Darah. Who are you, and how did you get here?” I asked.

I was grateful my tone was even and didn’t give away my inner nerves. Maybe I should have tried to wake Terrek before coming here to investigate that alarm.

My heart squeezed when she flinched like I was scaring her. But something in my gut was alarming me as well. My intuition is not giving me a solid read. Maybe it was just Candy›s reaction to her. He doesn›t like her. The bottom line is that she seems wrong.

The woman started to hyperventilate, clearly terrified and exposed. Tears poured down her face. I felt bad now. She was so upset and scared. But Candy stood his ground and looked ready to pounce on his prey.

My instinct was to comfort her. I know waking up in a strange place with aliens was scary. I have to be mindful of the underlying feeling that was nagging me. This woman was dangerous.

“Please, I beg you, don’t let it eat me.” The woman cried, terrified.

My heart sank seeing her so scared. I felt like this was not my genuine reaction, though, almost like I was being influenced. I wonder if this alien is using some trick on my senses.

I reached for Candy, rubbing his ears. I walked before him. He growled and looked wicked and mean. I stared into his eyes, getting him to focus on me instead. He hisses, not liking me interfering. He buts me with his head to get me to move.

“No! Candy, Stop!” I said very firmly. “I know, she’s lower than a snake’s belly in a wagon wheel rut, but we can’t chop her head off just yet.” I whispered into his big ears.

He looked at me with hurt eyes. It reminded me of a dog that got in trouble.

“That’s a good boy,” I said in my fur baby voice.

If she is the bad guy, I promise I›ll let you eat her,» I said loudly as I looked at the female, giving her a warning.

I just petted him as he chuffed and reluctantly moved to my side.

I stood tall and looked at this woman.

“You’re safe, for now,” I told the lady as a robot arm laid a jumpsuit next to the woman.

She grabbed the outfit without looking at Candy, who sat beside me, chuffing and glaring at the woman.

“My name is Andromeda.” She said meekly.

The woman got dressed and stood in front of me. She was tall, maybe five foot ten. I rubbed my ear, trying to get used to the echo and the odd translation. Her lips moved and seemed out of sync with her words. It was strange. I wanted to compose myself as I faced her.

“I’d say it’s nice to meet you, Andromeda, but I don’t know you yet.” I tried to look confident as I spoke to her. She needed to be aware that I was in charge.

Candy hissed as if to say, “Yeah, what she said.”

I rubbed his ears as he rubbed up against my thigh. The woman looked at Candy and me like we had three heads. She placed her hands up in the air.

“I don’t know how I got here. I was taken from my home. I walked into my home, and someone grabbed me from behind. I heard two males talking, and the next thing I recall is waking up here.”

Andromeda looked scared and seemed very vulnerable. I wanted to believe her, but that feeling was not my own. Candy’s hackles raised as he started to glow. The woman tried to step back when the pod stopped her from moving further.

“It’s okay, Candy,” I said, and he calmed down, letting his light dim to his normal pastel fur.

“I suggest you stay a few feet from us until I decide it is safe for you.”

“Gladly.” The woman said as she stared at me.

I looked at Candy, taken aback at how his face turned menacing when he looked at Andromeda.