“I am so sorry your tribe did not gather in support to aid you during your time of grief,” Terrek said softly, kissing my forehead.

Terrek had difficulty grasping the idea that Earth had so many inhabitants, yet there were homeless people and hungry suffering alone.”

“You are too sweet, Terrek, but in my world, it is a fendfor-yourself place. My family was my little tribe. They would have moved mountains for me if they could. When I lost them, I was just lost.”

“My tribe has our mates and our family units, but we all support the village.” Terrek said.

“If a child was orphaned, the neighbor will take the child if there is no other family. If an adult were to suffer a loss as you did. The adult gets adopted into the neighbor’s family. No one should grieve alone. Everyone craves family. I don’t know of the tribes of Earth, but our people unite.”

“We are the guardians of the land, keeping the wild preserved, monitoring our land. Being mindful of her health. We work hard and celebrate with merriment as a tribe. We are stronger together and will fight to protect our kind. However, we never stood a chance against the Kanenites God’s power. We never expected evil from the sky.”

“I lost my tribe and my life in my world. I am so sad that I cannot share that with you now. How beautiful life with my tribe could have been.”

I leaned in to kiss my man, heartbroken for his planet and everything he had suffered.

“Terrek, I am so sorry you have suffered. We both lost so much. I am here with you now, and we will figure out how to get past all this pain. I am unsure how either of us ended up here. Together, we will figure out the next step.”

I fell asleep in a soft, warm bed, clean and full. My arms and legs wrapped up around this strong male. I felt a sense of peace for the first time since my family died. I drifted to sleep and had another vision of the Goddess Harmony.


“Darah, sweetie, I am glad you are adjusting so well to your true mate, Terrek. He is a good male,” The ethereal Goddess Harmony said in a voice that sounded like a song.”

“Thank you for blessing me and sending me on this amazing adventure,” I said, not understanding why a Goddess would ever pick me for anything.”

“My dear Darah, I am afraid I have a big job for you. My mate Hecat has made a whole universe of creations. However, Hecat has left them unattended and vulnerable. Laverian is such a beautiful creation. “

“The God Kane had his creations mettle with worlds that are not his to mess with. So much is not fair and out of balance. I am the Goddess of Harmony and balance, so my parents named me Harmony.

I will not allow this to continue. I am with Hecat in the realm of the Gods. I will aid you to help right the wrong of Kane’s meddling.” The Goddess looked very concerned.

“I don’t think I can help very much. I am a mess. I lost my family, and now I am out in space with an alien male whose whole world got invaded. How can I be any help?” I said, wondering what the Goddess could possibly need from me.

“Do not underestimate yourself, my dear Earth female. Just follow your intuition and do what feels right.” The Goddess smiled sweetly at me.

“You need to move now. To find the people of Gias, of my Hecat universe, and make an army to stand with you against the Kanenites.” The Goddess Harmony faded as I awoke.

“Wait! What about my family? Can you check on them in heaven?” I asked as she started to fade. I mean, she is a Goddess, right? I did not know there were gods and Goddess’s but I thought my family went to heaven, I mean I hoped like any of us would.

Now that a Goddess has sent me off into outer space, I just wanted to check on my family. I mean, can my family look out for me in the Hecat universe? So many questions. I woke up with an urgency to find Gias.

“Did you have a bad dream?” Terrek asked me as he hugged me closer and kissed the top of my head.

“Oh, hi, good morning, big guy,” I said as I detangled my limbs from Terrek.”

“No, not a bad dream. I saw a Goddess in my dream, and she asked me to help her help your people. I am a bit overwhelmed. I wanted to check on my family to see if that is even possible. I don’t understand everything that is happening to me.” I said as I tried to wake up.

I saw hope flicker across Terrek’s face, and my stomach dropped. I didn’t know how to help him, but I would try for him.

“I am not sure I can manage much, but if I can help your planet and people, I will do whatever I can,” I promised.

I went to the clothing dispenser device. It scanned me, and I picked my options and dressed in a simple black outfit. Then, I helped Terrek get an outfit, too.

I opened my door and went to the dining hall, where Candy was pacing back and forth, waiting for breakfast. Candy was now the size of a grown cheetah on Earth. He made an aggravated chuff sound, letting me know he was hungry.

“Okay, big boy, I will get you a big hunk of meat,” I reassured him, and he rubbed his head on my thigh with a purr.

I fed us breakfast and introduced coffee to Terrek. The mind reading simulation coffee was almost perfect, but it was a bit bitterer than I recall coffee tasting. Terrek seemed to enjoy it.