Terrek insisted on carrying me again, “Darah, it will be faster, and I can be stealthy if you allow me to carry you.”

“I can keep pace. I don’t need you to caveman carry me.” I started to move, not giving him a chance to argue.

Candy stalked close by, stealthy and silent. I didn’t think I would travel so quietly. I heard every crunch echo loudly and cringed as Terrek raised his brow with a look that said I told you so.

“I will fight by your side, my Darah if we live through it. I will show you how to move silently through the woods. I will teach you all I know.”

I smiled at the big man, my fear kicking in the closer we got to the spaceship. The incessant humming in my ear drove me to do this. Rationally, this is just reckless.

It was turning dark, and the Kanenites gathered in rows of attention in front of the open docking ramp.

“They do this before they are about to leave the planet,” Terrek whispered.

I reached into my bag and grabbed the device that the educator taught me would sedate them in masses as a way of capturing slaves without resistance. I turned the device on and walked up behind the tiny men.

“Howdy, guys!” I said as an introduction.

I tried to zap the lot of them. But I messed up because the stasis beam, I needed did not engage.

“Shit!” That was not good!

The aliens were stunned momentarily by my presence, and then chaos broke out as they rushed at me. Candy pounced on the closest male to me. These guys moved like ninjas.

Candy quickly tore through two of them. Terrek was in the fray as they swarmed him. He was tossing them and breaking a few like they were twigs. I heard the cracking of bones and the cries of pain from the Kanenites as Terrek and Candy brutally fought back, trying to keep me between them. The copper smell coming from the dark blue blood of the spacemen had my stomach churned. A few aliens exited the ramp, pulling their devices off their hips.

Time to get this right. I had taken my device up and watched my finger hit the stasis button.

This time, they all fell into stasis, floating in invisible bubbles. Damn, that felt satisfying. I walked past them and went up the ramp. Terrek and Candy followed me. “Darah, I am glad you used the tool before these Kanenites. I thought we would be zapped and stolen for sure,” Terrek said with relief.

He looked at Candy with respect instead of fear. “Good boy, for keeping our Darah safe.” Terrek praised. He spoke with admiration as we walked into our first spaceship together. A hallway that was white and lit up and greeted us. My backpack and guitar case seemed unscathed, hanging off Terrek’s back. I sighed, grateful and surprised after that violent fight.

I followed the hallway and passed the doors that looked like an elevator. The humming in my ear led me to head straight for the one at the end of the hall. There was a keypad. I entered the sequence code that was educated into my mind, The door slid open.

I walked into the command station of the craft. Three spacemen looked at us with wide eyes. Terrek roared and attacked, taking out the two men that charged me. My fur ball pounced on the third spaceman and brutally ripped open that guy’s neck. I swallowed bile at the sight of the blue blood. My sweet fur ball can pack a punch.

“Gross!” I said as I went to examine the control panel. I reset the whole system to recognize myself as commander. This was the most exciting thing I have ever done and the most overwhelmingly violent thing. My stomach was still rolling over the gore of it all.

I scanned the craft for lifeforms and saw prill fish and life pods in the storage cargo area. Spacemen in a sleeping quarter were scheduled for the next shift. The rest of the spacemen had been outside for final formation and count before taking off. I sent a wake-up call with orders for them to report to cargo for a stasis failure response.

I sealed the handful of men into the cargo and placed them in a stasis hold using the ship’s AI security droids. I had them secured with the other spacemen that I had collected outside. Then, I moved them into a holding storage compartment. This was similar to playing a video game.

I secured all doors and sealed us in for space travel. I hovered our new spacecraft over the pond with the waterfall and remotely sent the prill fish back into the pond from which they had been stolen. I took us up, out into space, and turned on the view monitor to see the magnificent display of Laverian and its ringed moons.

Terrek dropped to his knees and watched in wonderment. This was the coolest thing I ever did. Candy hissed and cowered in a corner. I was blown away. I managed to steal and fly this spaceship. The craft tried to auto-pilot and fly us to a pre-determined course. I used my new knowledge to override the command.

I hovered outside the atmosphere of the planet Laverian. This moment felt magical. I looked at Terrek, and he was feeling it, too. Candy quickly adjusted and seemed to calm down. I examined the panel readings, learned about this ship’s layout, and reworked the system. I cloaked my ship from outsiders. I saw logs indicating the location of a port for the slavery trade. I took note. That had to be important. Maybe we could rescue Terrek’s tribe.

Chapter 6



saw plans for the harvesting of the Laverian planet and plans to assimilate the resources of the next planet on their list, Gias. I decided it was time to teach my big guy, Terrek, about technology. I waved to the educator in front of Terrek, who backed away from me.”

“Terrek don’t’ be a baby. I promise it will be fine, and you will thank me later.”

I tried convincing him that he needed to use the educators. Candy hissed at Terrek when he moaned with annoyance.