Tears brimmed his eyes. He cleared his throat to continue.

“I am sorry you became my bond mate when death is upon us. I can offer you no future here. You, me, and the Chetaht will die in weeks.

“Terrek, my sad demon, it will be okay, you’ll see.” Can I have some hot water, please?” Terrek looked confused as cute wrinkles furrowed his brows.

“Darah, you realize I am not this demon male you speak of. I am your destined bond, mate.

I rubbed my ears. Maybe my understanding of universal languages was off because Terrek had just declared I was now his wife. Bond mate means soulmate. It would equal marriage on Earth.

“Do you not have bond mates in your world? I have never known anyone who does not know of bond mates. Their soul’s bond when mates meet for the first time in a destined everlasting bond. Usually, a bonding is celebrated quickly. The need to mate and seal our souls together is strong, and the consummation of being bond mates creates a love that can never be severed.” Terrek explained with pleading dark eyes.

He stiffly poured hot water into a clay cup and handed it to me. I felt a vibe of hurt and jealous emotions rolling off of him.

“Look, Terrek, I like you. I don’t understand the destined mate bond. But if you want to date, I will consider it. I am attracted to you. I don’t think I am much of a partner for anyone. My family died. I am no longer on my home planet. I haven’t had a moment to deal with this since I arrived here.” I dug through my pack, looking for my tea as I rambled. Adrenaline was pounding in my heart.

My confusing emotions swirled. My body and soul were wrapped in a wave of happiness when Terrek said I was his bond mate. I needed to embrace him and kiss him all over. I also had a logical reaction that told me there was no way I would marry this guy at first sight. I don’t even know him.

“I understand now that I am no longer on Earth, my home. My head cannot come up with this on its own. Between a Goddess humming in my ears and the spaceship. Those devices downloaded everything that I needed to know about commanding a spacecraft. Well, call me convinced. I am no longer on Earth.”

I poured my tea into my cup of hot water. Terrek just watched me, fascinated.

“You are a sexy horned man, Terrek, unlike any male I have ever known. Earthlings don’t have horns and purple skin on Earth, my home planet. I am just trying to make sense of everything so strange to me.” I said.

My grief over my family settled into the forefront of my heart again. I prayed that Terrek would understand my need to take all this slow.

“I am not a boyfriend. I am your bond mate. I am loyal to you. And unless we have other destine mates, it is you and I from here on out.” Terrek said matter of fact.

I took a sip of my tea and watched Terrek. He was serious about this.

“On Earth, people meet and get to know one another. If there is mutual attraction, they date. If things go well, they might marry and have a family. Sometimes, it goes wrong, and they get divorced. We don’t have fated mates. Some people claim they are soul mates, but I don’t believe in soul mates.” I drank more tea as I assessed Terrek and his reaction.

“Go wrong and get divorced. What does this mean?” Terrek asked.

“You know, separate and find other people to love instead.”

I read my leaves at the bottom of my mug, stars, nothing but stars again.

“Bond mates cannot separate and love any other that is not a destined bond mate. How can Earth people be certain of their future and family if they do this divorce thing? How can they deny the gods will? Before birth, we have a chosen fated mate to share our souls with our bond mates. It is the core of our life to discover our love.” Terrek was baffled by my Earth custom.

“We will work out our communication skills later. Other destined mates? I am not sure I understand you and this bond mate’s business. Let’s shelf this discussion for later. Right now, we need to steal a ship and save ourselves.” I said as I packed up my bag.

“Can I keep this mug? I asked as I placed it in my pack, wrapped in my dirty clothes. I secured it in the grocery bag and tucked it in my backpack.

The humming in my ears made me want to move faster. Time was running out.

“No! Darah! We are not going near the Kanenites. I will not have you harmed or taken. It is too dangerous. We will die, and I just got you. At least let us live out what time we have left without making me watch you get stolen from me.” Terrek was adamant.

“I’ve been through way too much shit to starve and die on a strange planet.” I snapped.

I grabbed my guitar and left the cave with my Candy at my side and a broody Terrek following.

“I decided I would get myself together and make my family proud. I owe them that. I will live my best life for their sake. So, we will steal that ship and figure out how to find a way to live. I wasn’t educated by that device to sit here and starve.” Terrek insisted on carrying my pack and guitar.

Terrek looked proud. He stood tall and bowed his head in respect for me.

“Spoken like a true Laverian, we will die fighting.” He said proudly.

“I will follow you, Darah, my mate.