It’s pointed propaganda, but the scourge sorcerers deserve it.
As Petra scans the one I gave her, several of the more luxuriously dressed figures nearby stir restlessly.
The local countess who’s thrown in her lot with us clears her throat. “Are we really sure that tossing those papers around is the best use for our limited manpower?”
One of Voleska and Emor’s people speaks up before I have to. “It’s not like we’ve had that many other jobs to take care of. And you should have seen ’em in the square this morning when we launched the latest batch!”
The colleague next to her lifts his head eagerly. “Yeah, they were snatching at them and chattering away about it. Word is spreading fast. The tide’s turning in Queen Petra’s favor.”
We’ve had to come up with creative ways of distributing the pamphlets, since the Order members who’ve spread across the country aren’t going to stand by while someone shouts about their misdeeds in the city squares. With a combination of stealth and a few handy magical gifts our allies can bring to bear, we’ve been showering them over the crowds from the highest vantage points we can find.
If all’s gone well, some of the riders who headed out yesterday will have sent papers blustering down as far as Florian with the help of the Black Talons, as well as other royal cities like Zulina and Mipone.
It won’t be long before the scourge sorcerers can guess that we’ve relocated in the south end of the country, but we want to spread out our activities enough that it isn’t easy to guess what province, let alone county, we’re in.
If they find us again, I’m not sure where we’d be able to take shelter next.
A merchant friend of the barons raps an impatient hand on the table. “We need to ‘turn the tide’ with more than just words.”
Petra lifts her gaze to consider her supporters. She keeps her tone mild. “I think words are a very good start while we gather ourselves for a more intensive effort. This is perfect, Ivy. Do we have people ready to carry them out?”
I nod. “I just have to give them the word.”
As I duck out of the room, I catch a not-especially-hushed voice mutter, “Where did that one come from?”
Stavros’s voice follows an instant later with a hard edge of warning. “Ivy’s been protecting Silana from the scourge sorcerers from the beginning.”
I hurry to the out-building that holds the press, discomfort itching at my skin. I don’t like leaving my men or the future queen who’s accepted me to defend my role in the resistance, but I’m not sure how to speak up myself without making our new allies even more nervous.
I find my self-appointed assistants just finishing stuffing the latest batch of pamphlets into saddle bags.
“Queen Petra approves,” I tell them, and they flash grins at me before hustling off to the waiting horses.
I raise my voice to call after them. “Safe travels!”
Some part of me wishes I was riding off to carry out more capers rather than debating with the stuffy jerks around here.
Of course, the current caper might not be possible without those stuffy jerks and all their possessions. So I bite my tongue and march back to the meeting room.
I return to find the table debating the need for weapons. Princess Klaudia is just looking around at her companions with a worried expression. “I thought we were going to win over the people as peacefully as possible. We’re not like the scourge sorcerers. We can’t just kill citizens who’ve been deceived.”
Tinom shoots her a condescending glance. “We can’t be unprepared. It’s unlikely Lothar will back down without any fight at all.”
Stavros dips his head. “I’m sorry to say that I agree. I’d rather not have to draw any more blood, but it’s better that we have blades we don’t need to use than need them and find ourselves empty-handed. The scourge sorcerers and the most avid members of the Order of the Wild know what they’ve gotten themselves into by now.”
Petra sighs, her gaze sliding to Prince Jacos. Her brother is sitting next to Klaudia, his sleeve lumpy around the bandage he’s still wearing from the magical attack while we were fleeing the Temple of Tranquil Skies.
“We do need to be ready to defend ourselves,” she says. “And to strike at our actual enemies when we have the opportunity. The Order has hurt too many people to deserve our mercy. We’ll do our best to avoid any collateral damage.”
Alek pushes to the table from where he’s been hanging back from the discussion. His jaw looks tight, his posture a little awkward under the stares, but he hasn’t been so bothered that he’s returned to wearing a mask over his scars.
His voice comes out perfectly steady. “I may be able to arrange a large supply of new weapons. I can reach out to my family. They’ve handled a steady production and acquisition of quality arms for decades, and I’ve never heard my parents be anything other than supportive of the Melchiorek reign.”
My stomach knots at his proposition. His family might be loyal to the Crown, but they never supported him. I don’t think he’s been back to see them since he first enrolled at the temple school where he got those scars.
Petra aims a smile at him. “If you trust that it’s safe to reach out to them, I know you’ll handle the discussion well. The sooner we find out our options, the better.”
The scholar draws himself up straighter. “I’ll prepare for the trip right away.”