Page 26 of Deceitful Dreams

“Oh, man. Imagine all the dresses and bows your mother is gonna buy,” Wyatt’s dad groans with amusement.

I smile; overjoyed by how much my baby will be spoiled. “I’m sure she’ll be just as bad if it’s a boy.”

He winks. “Especially if he has chubby cheeks like Wyatt did.”

My baby daddy rolls his eyes, stands, and gives me a brief kiss. “Is lunch ready?”

Nodding, I lead them back into the kitchen where Wyatt guides me into a chair. “Sit, I’ll make you a plate. You already demand to cook when I prefer to pamper you.”

I bite my lip, so deeply in love with him and how attentive he is to my needs. His dad excuses himself to leave us alone while he goes and finds out what his wife is up to. Watching Wyatt with a smile, he hurries through plating the food and settles next to me.

My stomach growls as soon as I take a bite, and he laughs, squeezing my knee. His phone chimes, and with a brief glance, his body stiffens.

Wyatt rubs at his jaw. “I have something for you, but I’m not sure how you’ll take it.”

I set down my fork, staring at him. “Can I take it badly?”

He shrugs. “Possibly.”

Rubbing my belly slightly, I lean back into my chair. It’s a thing I’ve started to do out of comfort, like a reminder that I’m not alone. “Okay, if it starts to upset me then we stop.”

Wyatt smiles, the warmth in his eyes making my heart swell. “Perfect. It’s about your dad.”

My breath hitches, preparing for the worst. Dread spirals inside me that all the time I thought I had is gone. Wyatt’s face pales and he reaches forward to grab my hand. “Woah, Sophie. He’s not dead.”

Tears line my eyes and I don’t bother wiping them as they fall. I’ve gotten very familiar with crying over the past few months, even at silly things like the wrong Taco Bell order.

“Shit,” he curses, getting up from his chair to move closer to me. “Sorry, I forgot your brain goes to the worst possible scenario immediately. I just wanted to say that I got in touch with him.”

I blink, gulping in the warm summer air. “Okay. What did he say?”

Does he want to meet me? Does he still care about me? Does he hate that I stopped talking to him?

Wyatt rubs my back. “He sounded really excited to reconnect with you.”

My nose stings as I start crying again and he lifts me into his arms, holding me as he carries me over to the couch in the library. It’s become my sanctuary of sorts, being lost in their sea of books. I will be forever thankful that Wyatt’s mother is a huge reader because I didn’t realize how much I loved it till I had the opportunity to relax and open a book.

“Baby, are these happy tears?” Wyatt whispers against my temple as he sits with me in his lap.

I nod slowly, hiccuping as I try to catch my breath. “I keep thinking about how my life would be different if he had gotten me instead. And it hurts.”

“I know. I’m so sorry, Sophie.”

Sniffling, I look up at him. “I would never keep your child from you if we broke up.”

His gaze hardens. “You think I would let you go?”

My lips twitch with a smile. “Who says you could keep me if I wanted to leave?”

Wyatt’s fingers dig into my hips. “Don’t tease me, baby. You know I can’t punish you when you’re so beautifully swollen with our kid.”

Chuckling, I roll my tongue over my bottom lip. Now that I have that small crying session out of the way, I want to play with the magnificent man in front of me. The man who has gone out of his way to ensure I have everything I need, including my dad.

I stick my hand out in front of us, wiggling my bare fingers. “I don’t see a ring. That means nothing is locked down.”

Wyatt’s hand grazes my belly and I shudder at his touch. “I think I achieved something a little more permanent than a ring, don’t you think?”

Before I can retort again, he stands and cups my face. Wyatt kisses me deeply and I try to pull him closer, my crazy pregnancy horniness demanding he take me right there on the cushions. He chuckles. “I thought you wanted a ring. I was about to grab it.”