Page 11 of Deceitful Dreams

“I just wanted to talk about what almost happened earlier.”

Raising an eyebrow, I fail to contain my smirk. “When I almost kissed you?”

His eyes widened as if he didn’t expect me to acknowledge it. I shrug, chuckling under my breath.

“Don’t worry about it, Wyatt. I’m a big girl. I’ve been rejected before. I’ll move on,” I say.

Wyatt’s face darkens, his fist dropping to his sides as he curls them. “Move on?”

I stare at him, confused about why he’s upset. “Yeah,” I confirm with a soft voice.

“What if I don’t want you to move on?” he asks.

My eyebrows scrunch. “You don’t want me.”

“No, Sophie. I said I want you. We just can’t happen.”

“Then you don’t want me. Because if you want something, you should just take it.”

He shakes his head. “That’s not true. I want you so bad that I’m willing to wait till I can have you.”

My tongue licks over my bottom lip, ignoring the heat that shoots through me when I know his eyes are on my mouth. “What if I don’t want to wait?” I ask.

Standing from the bed, I walk over to him and place my hand on his chest. He exhales slowly, peering down at me. “I’m trying to be a good man, Sophie.”

I hum, pressing my nail into the hard muscle. “Must be hard when all I want is to be a bad girl.”

His eyes squeeze shut and his face twists like he’s in pain. I bunch his shirt in my fist.

“How about one kiss goodnight?” I say, in a sultry tone.

“Fuck,” he curses, his hands grasping onto my waist. I preen at his touch, tilting my head back as he leans down.

The first brush of his lips has my heart lurching in my chest. A soft growl erupts around us before his mouth is pressed harder against mine and my hands are in his hair. Wyatt pulls me closer, our bodies pressed so tightly I can feel how hard he is resting on my belly.

I barely have time to register the feel of him on me before he lets go and steps away. A whimper escapes my throat and I step away from him, embarrassed by my whine.

Wyatt swallows. “You okay?”

I nod, biting down on my lip. He reaches down, adjusts himself, and then shakes his head. Wyatt walks out the door, leaving me in the hotel room by myself. Slumping back onto the mattress with a frown, I trace my lips where I can still feel the heat of his touch.


I don’t know where Wyatt disappears to for half the night. He isn’t back by the time I finally succumb to sleep, alone in the dark room and bundled under the sheets. So when I wake up with a gasp, my first thought is to look over, and I relax when I see I’m not alone.

Wyatt’s chest rises and falls in a slow rhythm, telling me he’s been asleep for a while. I wonder if we were having similar dreams, about him deep inside me. About us being intimately connected.

Scooting closer, I trace my fingers down his happy trail and smile at the bulge in his briefs. He’s hard, but his body is calm. There’s no gyrating of his hips or breathy moans. A small disappointment that it might just be a natural reaction courses through me.

I stay like that for a while, caressing his stomach gently as I get comfortable watching him sleep. I’m not positive how much time passes before he inhales a sharp breath.

Rising on my elbow, I watch as his face twists in pleasure and his hips rock once.

“Sophie…” he moans. It comes out clear as day, and it electrifies my skin. I knew it, I knew I wasn’t crazy about how badly we want each other. That it was me he dreamt about. He just needs to know, he needs to be shown how perfect we are for each other.

I can barely hear anything over my rapid breaths as I peel his briefs down his body, bunching them above his knees. His hips gyrate once, his thick hard cock shifting to his other leg with the movement. Licking my lips, I slowly swing my leg over his waist, my knees digging into the mattress on either side of him.

My thighs burn, keeping me above him as I shimmy into a better position. Reaching between us, I grasp his swollen shaft, pulling it to stand straight up as I look down to line up my entrance with his tip.