Page 7 of Seek and Cherish

I spit out the apple and answer, desperate for something to do. “’Lo?”

“Hey, Honey. This is Joe from the diner. My kid’s sick and I’ve got no one to watch her. Think you can cover the rest of my shift?”

“You sure you don’t want me to watch your kid so you don’t miss out on Friday night tips?”

He’s silent for a long moment. “Sorry, but I don’t know you.”

“No problem. I’ll be at the diner in fifteen.”

“Thank you. You’re a lifesaver.”

I hang up, liking the feeling of being someone’s hero.

I race to the back of the house and up the spiral staircase to my room. Soft music is coming from Dani’s room, which means she’s still home and, if I had to bet money, her park ranger boyfriend, Grant, is in there with her.

I dress quickly and don’t even bother running a brush through my hair before I shove it into a high ponytail. It’s so thick, it takes a long time to get it to look good up and I don’t have time for that.

I hurry back downstairs and step into my sneakers before rushing outside.

I almost hit Goldy with the front door as she’s on her way in.

I skid to a stop. “Hey, are you in for the night?”

She smiles warmly. “I’ve got a chapter to finish and get to my editor.” Her brow creases. “I thought you were working day shifts this week?”

“I’m filling in for someone. See you tomorrow? Maybe we could get everyone together for a couple rounds of cards?”

Her frown has a worried edge I don’t like. “I’m camping with Henry and Max tomorrow night, and we’re heading out early. Maybe next weekend?”

“That’s actually better for me. I might pick up an extra shift at the diner tomorrow.” Or I might track down Bigfoot again to persuade him to help me, because nothing else I’ve tried is working to get my sisters to all hang out together.

She brightens, clearly relieved. “Perfect. Have a good night at work.”

“You too.”

I sprint to my car to make up for lost time.


“You look tired,” Lila says as we take a breather near the pass-through, waiting on our food.

“I’ve become a morning person since I switched to days,” I say. “I’m lacking my beauty sleep.”

Lila laughs as she moves around the area. She’s always moving, looking for what’s next. I long for an ounce of her energy right now.

She’s a year younger than me, in her last year at the college, and she’s probably my best friend in town. Her big brown eyes smile with the upturn of her full lips. “You’re always beautiful, Honey. And I’m glad to have you on shift with me again, you traitor.”

“Order up,” Hal hollers as he puts two plates on the pass-through.

“We’re standing right here, Hal,” Lila says. “You don’t have to yell.”

“Just wanted to make sure you heard me over that gossiping you got going on.” Hal gives her a cheeky grin. He’s a couple of years older than us and the biggest gossip in the place.

Lila rolls her eyes and takes her plates.

“See you later, traitor.” Lila hip checks me as she passes.

“You know I’d switch back to nights if I could.” I’ve got the most flexible schedule of the wait staff, and I take shifts according to where I’m needed most.