Page 46 of Seek and Cherish

“The best of intentions.”

He looks over at me, his jaw working as he crunches, and gives me a crooked smile. “It was a beautiful wedding.”

It’s so ridiculous, I burst out laughing. Suddenly, it’s all okay. Better than okay. “Barley and Begonia seemed to enjoy it.”

“So much.” He nods, holding back a laugh that his eyes reveal. He offers me a cracker. “Want a snack?”

I do want a snack. And I want to sit here with this man and talk to him about goats and weddings and his life among the trees.

I push back my chair and stand. “I should get home.” I can’t lose focus on what I’m doing here. He’s a means to an end. The wedding was just a favor owed. I cannot like him this much. I cannot fall for him. “The food’s all yours.”

His brow creases and I can almost see the argument forming in his brain. I want him to argue with me. But he nods. “Sure. See you for treasure hunting later?”

Right. Treasure hunting. This man scrambles my brain. “We could go now if you’re ready.”

He winks at me in an exaggerated leer. “I’m always ready, baby.”

“Uh-huh.” I push to my feet, but pain shoots up my spine, and it takes a long moment for me to realize I can’t straighten my back. “Ow.” The word comes out more as a whimper.

Mac is by my side in an instant. “You should sit on the couch.”

Instead of guiding me to the couch, he scoops me up and carries me over there.

“I can walk.”

He sets me down gently on the soft couch. “I’m not taking a chance of you leaving while you’re still in so much pain.”

“I’m just bruised and stiff. I’ll be fine.”

He sits on the other end of the couch and lifts my feet onto his lap. He slides off my tennis shoes and socks and rubs my left foot. “I’m not taking any chances. And I know you aren’t working today, so it won’t hurt for you to stay for a little while.”

“Mac, I—” He works his thumb just right into the arch of my foot and pleasure rushes through me. “God, that feels good.” I can’t hold back a low moan.

He shifts in his seat, but doesn’t stop rubbing my foot. “Just relax and let me take care of you.”

My throat gets tight for no reason, and I have to swallow hard to keep back tears. It feels better than I’d ever have imagined, being taken care of so tenderly. “Only because you aren’t giving me any other choice.”

He hums in satisfaction and moves onto my other foot.

He’s most likely a criminal and a terrible match for me. I can’t let myself like him too much.

Then, he hits that spot in my arch on my other foot and I lose the ability to think at all.



“Wow,” Jared says when I answer my front door. “I checked out a few of your videos after Clover told me who you are. I thought you’d be taller.” He’s probably got six or seven inches on me. His long hair is up in a tight bun and he’s wearing cover-alls. A large bag rests next to his feet.

“I get that a lot.” And it doesn’t bother me, though he’s clearly trying to. “Fortunately, height doesn’t matter in my business.”

He smirks. “Good thing.”

“You don’t like me. Is it the music?”

His smile is wolfish. “Honey is my wife’s family, so she’s my family. If you hurt Honey, it’ll hurt my wife, and I’ll have to hurt you.”

Ah, Clover told him the whole story about me lying to Honey. Clearly, she’s forgotten the details of that NDA she signed. It’s too bad I like her too much to sue her, but I’m going to have to remind I can if I have to. “Honey’s a lot tougher than any of you seem to think she is.”