“And of course it is your name,” Milly put in.
“Millicent!” her mother scolded.
“No, no,” Thomas said with a wry smile. “She is correct. Thomas Cavendish has been my name since birth.”
There was an awkward moment, then Lady Crowland said, “You appear to be in good health.”
“Very good, my lady. And you?”
“As well as can be expected.” She sighed, tapping her chest a few times. “Children can be so exhausting.”
“I hope to find that out for myself someday,” Thomas said.
Lady Crowland colored at that, stammering, “Well, of course we all hope to be blessed by children, don’t we?”
“I can’t recall the last time she referred to me as a blessing,” Milly muttered.
Amelia ignored her. She was far too happy just to gaze at Thomas from across the room. She’d missed him, but she hadn’t realized just how much until she could finally see him, with her own eyes. Only now she wanted to touch him. She wanted to throw her arms around him and burrow into his embrace. She wanted to kiss him, to smell him, to be near him.
She sighed. Apparently quite loudly. Milly kicked her, and it was then that she realized everyone was looking at her.
Amelia just grinned. She couldn’t help it.
Her mother gave her an odd look, then turned to Thomas and said, “I expect you would like a few moments of privacy with Amelia.”
“I would like that above all things,” he said smoothly, “although I also—”
Amelia looked to the door. Her father had arrived.
“Lord Crowland,” Thomas greeted him.
“Was wondering when you’d return. Not that I blamed you for deserting us in Ireland. Very well, I suppose we have matters to take care of.” He glanced about the room, as if only then noticing the flock of Willoughby women standing stiffly throughout. “Hmmph. Perhaps in my office?”
Amelia fully expected him to agree. Thomas would never make a formal proposal of marriage without first securing permission from her father. Or at least trying to. She did not know what Thomas would do if her father did not agree, but she had every faith that they would be married.
It would just be so much easier if her family made no protest.
But Thomas surprised her. Indeed, he surprised everyone when he said, “There is no need to retire to another room. I have nothing to say that cannot be said in front of everyone.”
“I love when people say that,” Milly remarked.
“Milly!” Elizabeth hissed.
“He can’t hear me.”
“I can, actually,” Thomas murmured.
Amelia had to cover her mouth to stifle her laughter.
“Are you done?” Lord Crowland demanded, giving his three eldest an annoyed glance.
They did not reply; there was only so much insubordination one could safely demonstrate in such a setting.
“Very well, then,” Lord Crowland said, turning to Thomas. “What is it you need to tell me?”
“First of all,” Thomas replied, “I wish to formally dissolve the betrothal contract.”