He nodded, turning away and pretending to look at the trees. “Not so much when we were young. But after we left for school…” He pinched the bridge of his nose, wondering how to explain just what Arthur had done for him. “…we found much more in common.”
Her fingers tightened around his, and then she let go. “It is difficult to lose someone you love.”
He looked back at her once he was satisfied that his eyes would remain dry. “When you lost your parents…”
“It was horrible,” she answered. Her lips moved at the corners, but not into a smile. It was one of those flashes of movement—a tiny, little rush of emotion, escaping almost without notice. “I didn’t think I should die,” Grace said softly, “but I did not know how I would live.”
“I wish…” But he didn’t know what he wished. That he could have been there for her? What good would he have been? Five years ago he’d been broken, too.
“The dowager saved me,” she said. She smiled wryly. “Isn’t that funny?”
His brows rose. “Oh, come now. The dowager does nothing out of the goodness of her heart.”
“I did not say why she did it, just that she did. I should have been forced to marry my cousin if she had not taken me in.”
He took her hand and brought it to his lips. “I am glad you did not.”
“So am I,” she said, without any trace of tenderness. “He is awful.”
Jack chuckled. “And here I’d hoped you were relieved to have waited for me.”
She gave him an arch look and withdrew her hand. “You have not met my cousin.”
He finally took one of the apple pieces and bit into it. “We have an overabundance of odious relations, you and I.”
Her lips twisted in thought, and then her body twisted so that she could look back toward the carriage. “I should go to her,” she said.
“No, you shouldn’t,” Jack said firmly.
Grace sighed. She did not want to feel sorry for the dowager, not after what the dowager had said to her the night before. But her conversation with Jack had brought back memories…and reminded her just how very much she was indebted to her.
She turned back to Jack. “She is all alone.”
“She deserves to be alone.” He said this with great conviction, and more than a touch of surprise, as if he could not believe the matter might be under discussion.
“No one deserves to be alone.”
“Do you really believe that?”
She didn’t, but…“I want to believe it.”
He looked at her dubiously.
Grace started to rise. She looked this way and that, making sure no one could hear, and said, “You should not have been kissing my hand where people can see, anyway.”
She stood then, stepping quickly away, before he had a chance to make a reply.
“Have you finished your lunch?” Amelia called out as she passed.
Grace nodded. “Yes. I am going to the carriage to see if the dowager needs anything.”
Amelia looked at her as if she’d gone mad.
Grace gave a little shrug. “Everybody deserves a second chance.” She thought about that, then added, mostly to herself, “That, I really do believe.” She marched over to the carriage. It was too high for her to climb up herself, and the grooms were nowhere in sight, so she called out, “Your grace! Your grace!”
There was no reply, so she said, a little louder, “Ma’am!”
The dowager’s irate visage appeared in the open doorway. “What do you want?”