Page 8 of The Reunion

If she had a piggy bank to crack open, I know she would have done it to get me something, and I absolutely didn’t want that.

Cringing back at her, I bit my lip and waited for her to poke my belly like she always did when I teased her too much. “Don’t get mad at me. Okay?”

She gasped when she realized I meant that day and shoved me away with her finger. “Dominic Vasser. How could you?”

I snatched up that hand, too, and pulled her closer. “That’s why we came over so late. I waited around the DMV all morning to take my test so I could come pick you up.”

She backed us toward the clearing with the redwood picnic table in the center. “Why didn’t you say anything before? I would have made you dinner or a cake or something. Now I feel like a jerk.”

Letting her go just long enough to climb on top of the table, I leaned over again to reach for her. “That’s why I didn’t tell you. It’s not a big deal.”

She landed beside me, folding up on herself and pouting her lips. “It’s a big deal to me.”

I’d practiced every move I’d make in my head about a hundred times, and I was as ready as I would ever be.

My hand planted on the table behind her as I turned on my hip and swept the hair back over her ear. “All I wanted was for you and me to spend time together, but Jase didn’t think your dad would be cool with some strange guy showing up at your house all alone.”

The glow across her face lit up the dimming light between us when she dropped her eyes away from me. “Oh.”

I watched her shy away from everyone she came across to avoid being uncomfortable, but I wasn’t going to let her make me one of those people she feared even looking at. So, I brought my ear to my shoulder to make her look at me again, whether she liked it or not. “But if you had your heart set on doing something special, why don’t you go ahead and make this whole girlfriend-boyfriend thing with me official?”

She breathed so hard and fast that I thought she might pass out on me. So, I shrugged and put her out of her misery like I knew she wanted me to. “Actually, I’m not even taking no for an answer. You’re mine, and that’s it, Faith.”

Tears glistened in her eyes, and she blinked them up at the sky as her voice shrank to almost nothing. “Are you sure? Like every girl at school is in love with you.”

She wasn’t a game to me, and I wasn’t playing with her. But getting her to admit what we both knew was true had to be done. I couldn’t go on another day without it.

I laid my hand on her cheek, rubbing my thumb across her lip to torture myself for a few more seconds. “But I only care if the one I’m looking at is. So, are you?” When her bottom lip rolled away from my thumb to wet it as she nodded, I curled my fingers around her face. “I’m getting my birthday kiss now. So, go on and close your eyes.”

Despite Jason chatting me up to the other guys about the game I had when it came to sweet talking girls, I’d never even kissed one before.

My lawyer father’s gift for taking charge fell out of my mouth sometimes when I was in a mood, but I didn’t have a damn clue what I was doing with her. It’s only that taking care of her made me braver and stronger, because I knew she needed me to be.

Her entire body shivered so hard I had to put my other hand on her face to hold her still.

Like the cherry-flavored lip balm she slathered on earlier, her lips tasted so good, I might have sucked a little too hard.

It was messy and clumsy. It was also the most memorable kiss of my life, and I replayed it in an endless loop in my head when I wasn’t with her.

I wasn’t even sure if she liked anything I was doing to her until she put her hand on my waist, sinking into me entirely on the next exhale. Sliding my hand back through her hair to keep her from stopping, I pulled her closer to me with the other until her breasts massaged me with every breath she took.

From the second she smiled at me in the cafeteria, I belonged to Faith Bennett. And when she whimpered into my mouth like that, I knew she was mine, too.


The Window


Before I finished telling Dom I didn’t want to talk anymore, the phone line went dead when he hung up on me. Something in his sigh told me the conversation wasn’t over yet, though, so I left the phone on the kitchen table.

That first little argument we had only piled on top of everything else that went wrong for me that day.

Though Dom explained the math chapter to me for hours, I only managed a C on the test.

The power bill came while I was at school, so Dad flipped out on me about leaving the lights on all the time as soon as I came home.

Add all that to the worst case of PMS I ever had before, and I was a hair away from a total nervous breakdown without facing another night all alone in this creepy old Victorian.