Page 41 of The Reunion

Dom put his arm around me and jerked me to him. “Not yet.” Embarrassing me just to see my face turn red was one of his favorite sports. But when I pushed him away with my palm and sighed, he backed out behind me and tugged at my elbow. “Alright, let’s go work on a game plan. Shall we?”

Waving at Mark and Kim, I followed him around the corner to another hallway. “It was great meeting you all.”

As soon as I got inside his office, he pressed the door closed and used his forearm to push me against it. Both arms boxed me in, his elbows pinning me in place as he licked his lips. “Hi.”

Diving into my mouth, he stole every word I was going to complain with until I grabbed his hair and pulled him off. “Can you cool it with all the touchy-feely when we’re working, please?”

Squinting back at me, he shook his head and slid one hand up the doorframe. “No. I’m not sure I can.”

Slipping my fingers under his scrub top, I curled them around his waist. “I just don’t want people complaining about us being inappropriate.”

His nose scoff blew over my face as he shrugged. “Who cares what the hell these people think? I won’t act like I don’t know you to make anyone comfortable.”

I moved my fingers over his back and gently scratched him until he closed his eyes and whimpered. “But you’re making me uncomfortable, Dom. You know how I am about that kind of stuff.” When he dropped his head onto my shoulder and growled, I bounced it at him. “I’m not talking about a quick kiss at lunch. But in a clinical situation, it’s just not…”

He put his fingers over my mouth and sighed as he faced me again. “I hear what you’re saying.”

With a wave, he had my cheek in his palm, rubbing the edge of his thumb against my chin. “I’m sorry. It’s just that I see these people every single damn day of my life, and I don’t even think about how I act around them.” His head bounced from side to side with every thought. “I cuss at them. I yell at them. I say offensive shit that makes them complain to the management at least once a week.”

Flipping his lips out a little, he shook his head. “This place is my second home, and I have to feel like I can be myself here. And I want you to get to a point where you feel that way, too.” He bumped my forehead with his and flickered his eyebrows. “But I’ll back off for a minute, because I want you to be happy here.”

Tilting my chin away a bit, I shook my head and wagged my finger at him. “That was too easy.” Dom would do anything for me, anything. But what he wouldn’t do for anyone was give up on something he felt like he was right about. “What are you planning, you stinker?”

Smiling against my lips with that naughty grin of his, he clicked air through his teeth and backed away from me. “Let’s just say I got some really good news a little bit ago.”

His whole aura was lighter and happier than it was at lunch. In fact, he was almost glowing the way the light glimmered off his shiny blond hair and made his eyes twinkle. He was beautiful and a little scary, honestly. “Okay. Well, now I have to know what’s going on.”

Bumping me closer to him with it, the door opened again as Dom let the world back in. “Not yet, but soon.” The chair across from his desk turned aside for me to sit, and he swept his hand toward it as he inched away. “Now, let’s put our heads together and figure out how to improve these outdated care plans, Miss Bennett.”


The Key


I slid the plastic container full of toys from my last patient back on the shelf and pulled the door shut, nearly having a heart attack when I found him standing there.

Gray started gathering at his temples, but Travis was still as tall, dark, and handsome as when we were kids. “Oh, Jesus, you scared me.”

Meaty, tanned arm muscles stretched the seams of his dark green polo as he leaned against the doorway with his arms crossed. “Sorry about that. I just wanted to say thanks again for spending a little extra time with Deacon last night.” His shoulder jumped as he peeked behind back into the hallway. “I know pitching isn’t one of his strengths.”

Smacking the air between us, I clicked my tongue and pulled out my chair. “He’s not that bad.”

Flapping his lips back at me, he squinted and shook his head. “He’s terrible at it. Hopeless.” His finger flung out from his elbow. “He knows it too. But he’s a bit of a hound dog, so don’t be surprised when he” — he made quotes with his fingers — “needs a little extra help from you every time he sees you.”

Squeaking through my nose, I rocked in my chair and smiled back at him. “Well, he gets it honest. Doesn’t he?”

Opening his eyes wider, he pointed his finger at the Physical Therapist embroidered on his shirt. “What are you talking about? I was a great pitcher.”

I wrapped the edge of my long green sweater over the other as I huddled underneath it to shield my cleavage from his wandering eyes. “I meant the hound dog part.”

From the time I got enough breasts and ass for him to notice, Travis asked me out at least weekly until he graduated. But even if I hadn’t heard about the zillion girls he’d had sex with, him telling everyone in the locker room he did it with Carolyn made dating him an absolute deal breaker.

Laughing at what I’m sure he considered harmless teenage fun, he nodded and rubbed at his chin. “Yeah. You got me there. I guess I was a little wild back in the day. Not that you ever fell for it.”

Bumping his shoulder as he came in, Dom shoved Travis out of his way. “Excuse me. Didn’t see you standing there.”

Dragging the chair from my treatment table in front of my desk, he jerked his eyebrows at me. “Hey, baby.”