Page 31 of The Reunion

Craving a return to the simpler times of their youths for one night, they huddled by their cars, handing out phone numbers and making plans that would be forgotten by the following weekend.

Then there was Dom and I.

After a dozen attempts, I dragged him away from the dying fire and put my arm around him as we headed for the rope fence. “It was fun to see everyone again. Huh?”

Pinning me against him with his arm around my shoulder, he slowed us down until we hardly moved. “I see these people every day. So, it’s nothing special for me except that you’re here now.”

I hit the button on my key fob to let him know which car to go to as we stepped out into the parking lot. “Are you sure you’re okay to drive, Doctor?”

He snatched his hand from his back pocket and clicked his tongue as it chopped through the air. “Relax. I’m straight, baby.” The driver’s door opened, and he ducked down to check out the interior. “This must have set you back a fortune.”

My mouth twisted back at him, and I shrugged as I squeezed inside the space on the other side of the door with him. “Don’t worry. I checked the blue book before I wrote the check.”

Pulling me to him with one hand, he slid his fingers around my hip and dug into my back pocket to pull out my phone. “What’s your code?”

I bent down to grab the bottle of water from the door. “One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six.”

“Oh, God,” he scoffed back at me as he shook his head and punched the screen with his thumb. “You can’t be serious with that?”

I took a sip and twisted the cap back in place as I shrugged at him. “It’s the only combination I can remember besides my birthday.”

After a few taps at the screen, his chest pocket lit up and darkened again when he sent himself my number. He handed it back to me and looked around at the other cars pulling out. “It’s pretty late, so why don’t you just come home with me?” Pulling at the front of my shirt, he peeked down inside and bit his lip. “I’m not done with you yet.”

The idea of sneaking into his parents’ pool house again for a late-night ride on his lap made me snort a laugh. “No. I really can’t do that.”

Letting his fingertips fall down my belly, he pushed them around my waist when they reached it, nodding at me. “Yes, you can. You’re a big girl now.”

I jerked the edges of his flannel into my fists, curling into him to keep warm. “Slow down for a minute, Dom.”

Rolling his eyes enough for me to catch it, he sighed at me and pushed our hips together. “It’s not like we don’t already have a history with each other.”

I shook my head as he darted around it to get to my mouth to keep me from saying no again. “High school Dom and Faith have a history with each other. I only met Doctor Vasser this morning, and I’d like to get to know him better before I let him in these panties.”

Groaning, he dropped his head back as his hands flipped off me, only to squeeze me again when they returned. “Fine. We’ll go to dinner tomorrow night, and then we can have sex if it makes you feel better.”

His hand slid around my backside, shaking my butt cheek as he gritted his teeth and growled to make me laugh at him. “Yeah. That’s much better.”

Giving up on trying to get me in his bed finally, he pushed our foreheads together and gently rocked them. “Sorry. I guess I am moving a little fast. Huh?”

Every part of me was dying to give him what he wanted, but one of us had to be the voice of reason, and that was never one of Dom’s strong suits. Pinching my fingers together, I brought them between us. “A smidge.”

His tongue crossed over his lip as he moved his hands up my back. “Can I get another one of those kisses, though?”

I nodded, and he braced us against the door frame with one hand while his other spread out over my cheek.

A natural talent at everything he did, Dom becoming a doctor didn’t surprise me at all. And I was even less surprised he became the most amazing kisser on the planet.

Before I could say a word to tell him how we should take this slower or ask how we’d handle the obvious problems his mother would cause, he had his tongue exploring my mouth.

I didn’t care about any of those things anymore, only the heat of his chest curving and retreating from my breasts that made me melt into him as our bodies rocked together.

He had me wrapped around his finger already, and I let him steal every doubt about the possibility that we could really make this work this time.

The soft hand on my face firmed up as it slid around me, caging me in with his arm around my shoulder while he made his gentle kisses gradually harder.

Making me dizzy, he broke our kiss with a smile for a second when he realized what he was doing to me. I clung to his shirt as the world around us bent and twisted when I dared to open my eyes to watch him.

When he’d had enough of teasing me, he backed away from my mouth and let me go. But suddenly, spending the night in his mother’s pool house sounded like a fantastic idea to me.