And there is no purer way to express our love than with pleasure. The hungry and predatory way my men are watching me promises lots of pleasure.

I can’t fucking wait.




Something is up today. I don’t know what it is, but something is going on. My men have been acting strange, but that doesn’t have me as suspicious as everyone acting off.

It’s been this way for a few days, but I’ve ignored it. Now, I can’t anymore.

As I pull through the gates surrounding the clubhouse, determination fills me to get to the bottom of what has been going on. If they think they can try and spin some bullshit by telling me it’s club business, then they’re going to meet a very wrathful side of me they’ve never seen before.

I glance up at the large, converted warehouse and a sense of being home fills me. It’s something I thought I felt and understood when I found my last place, but this is much deeper. I know it’s because love lives within the walls of this place.

Not just the love I have for my men, but the love the brothers have for each other and everyone they consider family. I’m now included in that.

The brothers and the old ladies have embraced me with open arms, and I couldn’t be more grateful. The only people who have given me any trouble are the angels.

I would love to say that I blame them, but I don’t. They’re kind of put in a shit situation, even if it is one that they agreed to.

They have status, but not really. They’re included but are still always on the outside. The loyalty of the club only extends so far to them.

My heart aches for them, but at the same time they have a choice, and they can leave at any time.

If they didn’t try to flirt with my men I would have a lot more empathy for them. The first time it happened I saw red and got right in the angel’s face, blocking her from getting any closer to Spark. I think her name is Tiff, but I’m not sure because she’s given me a wide berth ever since.

I’m sure the fact that I spit in her face and told her, “You put a finger on Spark, or any of my men, I’ll start peeling your fingernails off one by one. It will be painful. Then, the moment they start to grow back in, I’ll do it again just for my own enjoyment.”

Her face paled and she scurried away. Shame started to creep into my mind as I realized what I had just said and done. But then Spark’s arms wrapped around me, and he nuzzled his face into my neck. I wanted to melt against him, but I couldn’t. Not yet. I was too mad.

His breath was hot against my skin which was already overheated from pure fucking rage, “That was the hottest thing I’ve ever witnessed Siren.” He spun me around, his crystal blue eyes finding the depths of my soul that was engulfed in rage. “You never have to worry, Navy. I’m yours.”

I kissed him hard, not giving a fuck about who was around. I heard Crucify and Rites approach us and surround me. They were mumbling things like ‘sexy’ and ‘biggest turn on’ but I could barely hear them.

When Spark threw me over his shoulder and slapped my ass I was so deep in a lust fog I just hung limply over his shoulder because I was hoping it would make the journey up to our place faster.

But they’ve been hiding something recently and I’m going to get to the bottom of it. I sling my bag over my shoulder, not caring that I’m a little sweaty after teaching a class at Alora’s studio, and march toward the clubhouse door. I hear the Prospect at the gate snicker, but when I glare at him, he shuts up immediately.

“Yeah,” I mumble, “that’s what I thought.”

I swing the door open with far too much force, but I’m a woman on a mission. And I won’t be deterred.

The moment I walk into the large lounge area, everyone shouts, “Surprise!”

My bag drops to the ground as I see my men standing in front of me. Spark is holding out a leather cut, my cut. Rites is holding out a crown fit for a queen. Crucify shoots Rites a look and rolls his eyes, but I barely notice because he’s holding up a small jewelry box with a sparkling diamond ring in it.

My hands come up and cover my mouth, all the determination I was feeling moments ago leaving me in a single sweep of my gaze.

The three men who have bound me to them with love, understanding, and the electricity that courses between us, step forward as one unit. I know what’s coming, but I’m not prepared. Nothing could have prepared me.

“Siren,” Spark starts, “you’re our old lady. It’s time you wear our cut.”

“You’re our queen,” Rites continues, “it’s time you wear your crown.”

“And,” Crucify sounds uncertain and my eyes snap to him, “we’re hoping you’ll wear our ring and become our wife.”