I don’t want to see anyone who followed that sadistic bastard to gain any power in our city. It would be a disaster. Women wouldn’t be safe, and our lives would become much bloodier if that were to happen.
“We’ve heard the same,” Penance interjects. “I’ve been working with Volkov and his crew to ensure they’re safe.”
“We’re here to help,” Wolfe tells us. “As I’m sure you’re aware, Baker is my brother and our mom would kick my ass if I didn’t ensure that he’s safe,” he chuckles with his words.
I wasn’t aware Baker and Wolfe were related when I first met both men, but once I did, it made perfect sense. Neither are men I would want to cross. It is interesting that Wolfe didn’t join Baker with the Volkov crew, but I can also understand how they would take different paths in life.
That’s just how life goes sometimes.
“You’ll be looped in on anything we hear,” Penance assures the men, and they nod in understanding.
“We’ll do the same,” Hendrix tells him before he looks my way. “Really we just wanted to let you know that we’ll be operating in your territory. I know Savior Saints has been doing excellent work for your clients and that the club is still heavily involved in any issues that come up in the city.”
I smirk at him, not even a little bit surprised that he’s aware of what goes on in Seattle. The men always seem to show up when they’re needed. It’s clear they are very well informed.
As they fucking should be.
“I appreciate the heads up. As always, let me know how the club can help you, even beyond the scope of Savior Saints.”
The three men share a sinister smile with me, probably thinking of all the fun we’ve had in the past taking down men who should have never been allowed even a taste of the power they attained. They used it to terrorize and hurt. That shit won’t be tolerated.
Knowing that they’ll be in town for a while, especially while I’ll be working on locking down our woman—because I will be doing that—makes me relieved. If anything were to jump off, I know I’ll be able to call on them.
When things are quiet, too quiet, it makes me nervous and there haven’t been any major issues in the city for a while. We all should have known it was because some men who followed Morozov were regrouping.
Part of me wonders who it could be, but at the same time I don’t care. Whoever it is, we’ll handle it when they show their face and their hand.
The mercs stand and we shake hands, the respect between us a tangible thing.
Penance nods his head my way before following the men out, leaving Rites and I alone in my office. The tension between us increases. Before either of us can say anything, Crucify marches into my office with rage written across his face.
“You need to get your head out of your ass, Prez,” he sneers the last word which has my hackles rising, but I’m not going to rise to his anger.
Not when I know he’s right.
“I know,” I admit softly.
“It’s beyond time to make it right. It’s been,” his words cut off abruptly and he blinks a few times, his anger deflating slightly. “Wait. What? You know?”
“Yes,” I sigh, “I know. I had to get through the meeting with Wolfe, Dominic, and Hendrix. Then I was going to head over to our woman’s place. I need to make this right.”
Crucify collapses back into one of the chairs on the other side of my desk and I’m almost afraid the chair will buckle underneath him. Thankfully, it doesn’t. I look over at Rites and he’s grinning from ear to ear, the mischief back in his eyes.
“I take it that you at least had Friar get her address after we spent the night together.”
Rites nods slowly before pulling his phone from his pocket and shooting off a quick text. I feel the message come through on my phone and know he’s sent me the information I need.
“I did not think it would be that easy,” Crucify muses and I smirk at him.
“I know you’re not sure about sharing her,” there’s understanding in Rites voice. “But we can make sure that we get time alone with her and together. I know that she’s exactly what we all need.”
I give him a curt nod, slightly amused that he knows what my fears and concerns are without even saying it. That’s what happens when you’ve known someone your whole life.
I stand up and stride out of my office without a backwards glance or a word. I don’t need to. Acknowledging that I was the problem and will be making it right is enough for now.
The feeling of freedom as I fire up my bike and head out of the compound which is a converted warehouse space has me speeding up to get to my woman faster. I can only hope that I didn’t fuck things up permanently.
It doesn’t take long to get to her place, and I don’t hesitate to hop off my bike and up to her front door. I knock a lot louder than I intended to and then take a step back, not wanting to intimidate our woman. She probably deserves a soft hand and sweet words, but that’s never been me. I’ll try, for her, but I am who the fuck I am.