The sound of the door closing behind me is loud in the quiet hallway, the party seemingly not starting back up after Navy’s show and then the sideshow following it. The brothers who have found their women are probably grinning like smug assholes right now and the rest are confused as fuck. Then there’s the angels.
“Fuck,” I mutter to myself as I head toward my room, “I hope our woman is strong. She’s going to need to be.”
Anticipation fills me as we enter The Centennial building. While most wouldn’t know it by looking at the building, the top six floors house one of the most exclusive places in the city. Club Sin is known for its discretion.
We’ve been members since the club opened to find outlets for our desires that we didn’t want to explore with the angels or at the clubhouse. While we’ve never shared a woman at Club Sin, I know we’ve all played here from time to time.
Knowing that we’re going to see Navy tonight has everything in me on high alert. I can’t wait to see her.
The memory of her has had to be enough over the last few weeks, but it hasn’t been nearly enough. Her performance wasn’t long enough. And I didn’t get to learn a damn thing about her.
I’ve laid in bed at night wondering what her voice sounds like. Or what she smells like. Or if seeing her smile will feel like basking in the sunshine.
All I can do is speculate on those things at this point.
What I do know for sure is that my world fucking shifted when I saw Navy for the first time illuminated by the lights of the stage. Fuck, she was a vision, and she took my damn breath away.
I’ve known something has been missing from my life for months, but I wasn’t sure how to go about filling that void. I was sure that I wasn’t going to find a sense of fulfillment, but I was starting to suspect that it had something to do with a woman.
It was an easy conclusion to come to considering the number of brothers who have found their old ladies lately. Seeing them happy made me happy, but it also filled me with a jealous longing which isn’t a good look considering the club has been my life for a long fucking time.
When I saw Navy everything seemed to click into place. Not only did I want every sexy fucking curve of her body, but I wanted to know everything about her. And we never said a word to each other.
The only regret I have is that she saw an angel perch herself on my lap. I had no fucking idea she was even there. I never expected that shit to happen considering I haven’t shown any interest or spent any time with an angel in months. I thought they had all gotten the memo that I’m not interested.
After Navy was done performing, it was like the world started turning again. When Spark practically threw Tiff off his lap, I knew shit was about to go down. There was a look of hunger and need in his eyes that I’ve never seen there before.
Finding out that not only Spark wanted Navy, but Rites as well, was a shock. Sure, we’ve shared women more than once, especially back in the day, but it’s been a while and I never imagined we would all want the same woman long term.
I started to lose a little hope that Rites would find her, but the determination in his gaze whenever he was asked helped to ease some of that worry. Rites has always been the problem solver between the three of us, something that made him good at his job as VP. I’ve always been the muscle, but I’m not sure if my skills will be needed this time around.
I’ve watched as Spark has struggled as well. He’s thrown himself into club business to the point that I almost wished I could do the same.
My responsibilities to the club come first, which means that I needed a job without a lot of immediate responsibilities. That’s why I help to manage the rental properties that we own throughout the city. My time commitment is relatively low, and I make sure to hire the right people to be in charge of the day-to-day responsibilities.
Which is why I was in Spark’s office and not at work somewhere when Rites slammed through the door a few days ago with an infectious smile on his face. I went on high alert right away, but I knew there wasn’t any danger. My brother might be a little unhinged, but the smile he had on his face was pure joy and not the menacing one he always gets when violence is imminent.
Spark narrowed his eyes, his voice hard, but with a hint of curiosity, “What’s going on?”
“I found her,” he was practically fucking giddy, not an emotion I was used to seeing when it came to one of my best friends and VP.
I barked, “Where is she?”
As much as I wanted to let hope filter in, I found myself guarding against it. It had already been far too long without our woman.
No, I wasn’t concerned about sharing her the same way Spark seemed to be worried about it. I had no problem with the thought of having Navy between the three of us. In a way, it made perfect sense.
With the three of us and our positions in the club, which did bring dangers—especially considering that we have enemies—the three of us working together would be a blessing. If anything happened to one of us, our woman wouldn’t be alone.
I’m a little surprised that we never considered the possibility sooner.
But maybe we just needed Navy to come into our lives.
Rites was grinning from ear to ear, but it wavered for a moment and my heart sank. “Well, I guess I didn’t find her as much as I found out where she’s performing next.”