Page 88 of When Hearts Ignite

“You guys shove it. Grace is super nice and smart. I’m sure those are just rumors blowing everything out of proportion. And whatever she did or didn’t do isn’t any of our business.” A new voice joins them.


But now, listening to the girls gossip, telling sordid tales about what they heard I did or didn’t do, with Jamie trying her best to smother the rumors on my behalf, a burning heat gathers in my chest and rises up my throat. Gnashing my teeth together, I clean up and flush the toilet, the noise shocking everyone into silence.

Pulling back my shoulders, I step outside my stall, my lips curled into a sneer as I arch my head up and stare at Andrea and the new girl with unconcealed contempt. I won’t bow down to the mean girls. They don’t get to talk shit about me and think I’ll take it lying down.

Jamie lets out a shaky laugh and bites her lip. “G-Grace, the girls were joking, I’m sure.”

Andrea snorts. “No, we aren’t. You’re a kept woman, making it look bad for the rest of us.”

The new girl, a brunette with a haughty air, crosses her arms over her chest. “Slut.”

Red mists my vision and I step toward them, ignoring Jamie’s pleading. They glance at each other and step back until Andrea’s backside hits the sink. I stare at her and the new girl, even though they’re taller than me, but in this moment, height ceases to matter because of the fury burning in my chest.

I crowd in and bare my teeth. “If you guys spent half the time focused on your work instead of gossiping about things you know nothing about, Mr. Kingsley wouldn’t need to hire me to help him with TransAmerica. I wouldn’t need to come back to clean up your mess. So please, save me the holier-than-thou attitude and actually do your job. I couldn’t care less about your so-called rumors or opinions of me. I’d have to respect you first before I care.”

Stepping back, I wash my hands as the girls process my words, their frames shaking.

“Grace?” Jamie asks in a soft voice.

I ball up a paper towel and toss it in the trash. “Thanks, Jamie. I’m fine.”

Turning back to the two mean girls, I growl, “I’m from the South Bronx. I came from nothing and am not afraid to get my hands dirty. You talk shit about me again, and you’ll regret it.”

I push open the door and stalk back to my cubicle, my heart still racing a mile a minute, and I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths, willing my emotions to settle.

Moments later, Jamie’s voice sifts through the silence. “Don’t listen to them, Grace. They’re just jealous of you. You were always the smartest one out of all of us.”

I turn and face her. “Aren’t you curious if anything they say is true or not?”

“Of course I am. Curiosity is a natural thing, but it doesn’t matter to me. You’re kind and intelligent, and you deserve to be here more than anyone else in the room.” Jamie unleashes a bright smile. “I’m really glad you’re back, cubicle buddy.”

Her words are a balm to my burning chest and I feel the tension slowly melting away. I thank her and turn back to my computer, finding an instant message waiting for me.

Steven Kingsley

I thought I’d feel less distracted with you here, but it’s only getting worse.

My chest tightens as I think about the comments from the women moments ago. I swallow. It doesn’t matter what they say. You and Steven know the truth and you’ll show everyone your worth with the quality of your work.

Blowing out a breath, I respond.

Grace Peyton

How so, Mr. Kingsley?

Steven Kingsley

I just want to call you in here and make you come all over my mouth. I didn’t get a chance to taste you yet, and it’s driving me insane.

Heat travels to my face as my core clenches at the image of him burying his head between my legs. I bite my lip to keep from smiling.

Grace Peyton

This is sexual harassment, Mr. Kingsley. We are on company software and I’m your consultant.

Steven Kingsley