Page 83 of The Retrofit

Quinn was the only one left to ponder. He wasn’t sure why he was so furious with Rick. Still he would have informed the man of his mistake regardless if it had not affected his emotional state.

He’d felt a lot of things and hadn’t liked how the man talked about his relationship with Kira. That was his, not Rick’s, it was not any business of the man’s and... Grinding his teeth, Quinn started towards his room, done with people for the day.

Before he could make a clean exit, Hela poked her head through the pass through. “Quinn?”

Hearing and responding were two different things, but Hela wanted him to take a tray up to the captain, who’d yet to come retrieve it or ask for it. Part of him did not wish to oblige her. He wished to hole up in his room, but the part that wished to see Kira won out. Checking her location, she was in a storage bay, not the bridge, with Watson. The tray in hand, he couldn’t turn back, so he continued.

The door opened silently, and Quinn overheard Watson speaking. His tone lacked emotion as he had been earlier. “And you’re willing to accept that?”

“I am.” Kira’s response sounded heated, and not in a good way.

“Toke did not raise you to be a fool, Kira. He could destroy us all if you upset him.”

“He wouldn’t.” She sounded absolutely certain.

“Hela sent me down with lunch,” Quinn spoke loudly. This wasn’t the first time he’d eavesdropped on the two, but he didn’t want to hear anymore. He’d liked Kira’s response, the certainty in it, and that was where he wanted things to end.

Watson clammed up immediately, and Kira stepped around a crate to see him. Her cheeks flushed with anger and wild eyes sought his. She softened, the tightness around her mouth less severe. No matter how much he overheard, she wasn’t upset by it.

“Thank you, Quinn.”

Watson did not round the corner.

“You’re welcome.” Even if he could not see the A.I., Quinn looked in that direction. His expression matching Kira’s before she’d seen him. “Are you alright?”

“I am.” The tray passed to her hands.

“I trust you.” Quinn had no desire to speak to Watson, or to remain while the two squabbled, but that was important for him to relay. He released her tray. His intent not to stay made clear by his sharp turn out.

Returning to the darkness of his room, it threatened to swallow him but there was always a light present to keep away the shadows, even if only in his mind. One that came by later and spent the night curled up against his chest, stealing his covers, and making sure he knew the depth of what his words meant to her.

Chapter Twenty-Two


“With this new system, I hardly think we couldn’t pass through a planet and we wouldn’t feel it,” Morgan commented, putting in the coordinates with his skilled hands.

“Let’s be on the safe side,” Kira said, knowing he was joking, a smile on her face as she heard the shuttle doors. Turning to find Quinn, that smile spread a little wider.

He joined her, standing by her side over the secondary section of the console, choosing to remain close.

“He’s excited.” Kira leaned his direction so Morgan wouldn’t overhear.

Ready to perform the first of the fairly large jumps they’d been doing mini ones in known space to not draw attention, safely ensconced in neutral territory, and on the edge of known space, they’d be doing longer ones. Morgan confirmed the end coordinates.

“I figured.” Quinn looked only to Kira, his expression more readable than before, pure adoration that she had to work to not fall into.

“You two gonna be helpful or just stand there?” Morgan asked.

“You seem to have it under control over there,” Kira shot back, knowing she had to get herself under control as well.

Quinn’s fingertips brushed against her palm as he slid them between her own. “You are doing fine,” he said. “I’m monitoring the system while you work.”

“I forget you’re connected.” Morgan gave a frank look to Kira when she’d told him he had it under control and a more thoughtful one to Quinn.

Kira squeezed his hand back lightly and teased Morgan again, “But if I could speed you up before I become an old woman, I’ll help.”

“I am trying to think of a joke to add in. But I feel like pointing out that Morgan’s progress reduces by eighty-six percent every time he talks isn’t hitting quite the right note,” Quinn said.