Page 7 of The Retrofit

The rough landing earned an expletive. She thrashed, maneuvering her feet to gain traction as she fought to get out from underneath Bi’ast.

“It ssseemsss we caught more than we intended.”

Kira stopped her escape attempt to take stock of the situation. Three more Talcien's strolled up before Bi’ast, and her prone body beneath him. They were darker creatures than him. Their black scales were mixed with copper, but the same lisping speech would have given them away in a dark room. The one in front held a sleek blaster the size of a sawed off shotgun. The metal gleaming from the neon light of a nearby shop.

“What do you want with me?” Kira felt for her own blaster, her right hand shifting near her hip. She’d clipped the slimmer, more feminine version into her back waistband the instant she’d known they were coming down.

“You?” They walked in a triangular formation with one leading. He was the one that spoke, slit eyes blinking as the secondary eyelid slid across. “We have no quarrel with you. We want what we are owed.”

“From Bi’ast?” Kira moved her hand in infinitesimal movements to avoid attention. Keep talking.

I will alert Sir.

“No,” she whispered.

Luckily, Talcien’s had very little in the way of hearing.

“Yessss.” The leader tilted his head. “You ssseem familiar little one…”

“Oh yeah? I mean, I work in the market sometimes, so maybe you’ve seen me here.”

Help is on the way.

“I thinksss thisss isss not it.”

“Well, I think-” Kira did not wait to finish her sentence. With a slight heave, she got her hand free and reached for her own blaster. She didn’t hesitate, firing directly at the leader, hitting him square in the chest with maximum voltage. She’d stalled long enough to turn up the firepower. It wouldn’t kill him by any means, but it would stun him for a good hour. The blaster beeped in her hand, indicating the next charge was ready, but she didn’t need it.

The other two collapsed to the ground almost simultaneously. Both had been reaching for their own weapons strapped on their hips, but their hands never made it. The Adraxsion shopkeeper stood behind the pair.

“Great timing,” Kira said with a grin.

“I cannot afford to lose one of my best customers,” he spoke in his long, drawling voice. He sidestepped the pair, walking up beside the leader. “I daresay you should make yourself scarce.”

Bi’ast laid half on her legs, still frozen. He could hear but not move. She scuttled out from beneath him. “Hey Bi’ast, looks like I wasn’t the one that needed saving. Now, I’d love to keep this between us. How about it?”

Bi’ast blinked.

“I’ll take that as a yes. I’ll be out of your hair. Watson’s already got help on the way. Toodles.”

You should wait, Captain.

“For what, a spanking?” Kira tapped Bi’ast on the side of his face, giving him that same mischievous grin, grabbing the thin canvas bag with her items, then pacing down and out of the alley. She walked with some haste towards the shuttle bay.

To give a full report. Sir will not like you simply leaving.

“That Sir does not like a lot of things. It doesn’t change the outcome, Watson.”

The approval codes will be locked out until this is settled.

“Not if I get there before he knows to do it.”

Clearing the bustling part of the market, she moved from a swift walk to a run, hitting the shuttle bay at full speed.

“In a hurry there, Captain?” A ground crew worker shouted as she ran past.

There was no answer as she rushed inside the Valstar. The little transport ship’s cargo hold was long enough for four seats along each wall in the cargo area, and four forward facing ones in the main cabin.

She hardly broke a sweat as she hit the back ramp. Max already stood there, his arms crossed. “Are we running from something in particular?”