Page 5 of The Retrofit

Letting out a deep sigh, she said, “If you have some sense of self-preservation, at the very least, then perhaps this will be a suitable arrangement.”

“I should fekkin hope sa. Yer getting basically a trillion dollars worth of experimental ship parts to act as a glorified taxi. Seems ta me yer getting a pretty fekkin cherry deal, even if ya have to put up with my surly ass.” Quinn snorted before he let his head roll back to rest against the chair as he returned to staring at the ceiling. With the matter at hand settled, he seemed to have decided his input was no longer required.

So, maybe he really is as smart as Toke says.

Toke let out a slow breath this time through his mouth, his patience wearing thin. “Thank you Quinn. Now, is there anything else we need to cover?”

“I would seek a private meeting with you,” Kira addressed Toke directly. “Since we will be here for some time, there is nothing so pressing with you it cannot wait for another time.”

There existed a slight strain at the edge of Toke’s features. His expression turned to a thin line of obvious displeasure. After a moment of taking another calming breath, he said to her in very clear, clipped, and precise tones, “You can have your meeting after you take your ship to the shipyard. It’s in orbit around Eikos.”

“At your leave then,” Kira said, bringing her hand up to her shoulder over the symbol of Rumor imprinted there. A mark she’d never be rid of, no matter how hard she tried. It wasn’t visible, but Toke knew exactly where she’d chosen to have it imprinted, and therefore could recognize the gesture as one of fealty.

Max remained seated. Kira gave a soft nudge, her way of silently saying they were to leave, and he was coming with.

There was one other matter that needed sorting. Kira cleared her throat before looking at Quinn. “Are you using us as a ferry, or do you have your own transportation?”

“I’ve got my own transport,” Quinn responded without actually lowering his head to look towards the captain.

“Excellent. Glad we got that all figured out. Now get to work.” Toke waved his hand at all of them, indicating they should take their leave.

Chapter Two


“That was certainly interesting.” Max put his hands in his pockets, sneaking a peek over to Kira as they walked back down the hall.

“It is… unexpected,” Kira grimaced with her reply, showing far more to Max than most anyone else. He was a trusted confidant, but this wasn’t the place to discuss such matters, something she passed along with a look.

“Shall we return to Morgan?”

“You should. I have something that I need to take care of.”

“Ah, I am-”

“I will walk with you to the transport,” Kira smiled at Max. Despite his earlier forwardness, the man did not want to be left alone at the Meeting Place. She couldn’t blame him.

The floating station had become a collage of all that happened within the universe, steel mixed with glass and technology along with Praetorians, Verdissians, Humans, some Talcien’s and a mix of other sentient creatures that chose to skirt the rules of society. It was where Rumor ran out of, and it was where rumors simply existed. It wasn’t a place for someone to roam if they did not have allegiances to one of the major syndicates. Which meant Max should not be walking out along the falsely lit streets on his own.

Bi’ast waited for them at the bottom of the stairs, his long split tongue flicked out, retreating just as quickly, “Ssso now you sssee?”

“I do, Bi'ast.” Kira covered her emotions outwardly with a placid mask of indifference when possible, but Talcien’s, Talcien’s could practically taste your emotions by the release of pheromones. Making it nearly impossible to lie about being stressed. Still it was worth a shot, “It’ll be fine.”

Narrowly slit pupils became thin lines, an almost imperceptible snout shake following it, “You ssshould join me for a drink. I will find you sssomething real.”

“We’re short on time, perhaps next time we visit.” Intercepting and refusing before Max could open his own trap, Kira guided the man with a swift hip bump, pushing him towards the door, “Bye Bi’ast.”

Bi’ast performed a fealty gesture, his three fingers wrapping up his upper arm on his left.

“Another discussion for later, I assume?” Max said outside.

“You’re a quick learner.” Kira beamed at him and escorted him back to the Valstar.

Dropping their resident holy man off with Morgan, who seemed delighted to see they’d be off earlier than promised, until he discovered they weren’t leaving, and was then put off. Kira slapped him on the shoulder and laughed before departing, once again heading down to the inner market.

I do not approve of this, Captain.

“Since when have you approved of anything that I do?”