Page 77 of The Retrofit


Rick’s brooding followed her for a private conversation without Morgan into the lift. It made it impossible for her to run away, which made her snort when he did it.

“Trapping me?”

“If you’d be forthcoming, I wouldn’t have to do this.”

“I am when it matters.” Kira smiled brightly at the man. He towered over her. “You could beat it out of me when we start our sessions.”

The dour look she received spoke volumes as to how he felt about that which sparked her laughter.

“One of these days, you’ll lighten up a bit more, Rick.”

“I’m light enough.”

Kira raised and released her shoulders. “I take it you want my reasons?”


“The technology he’s made with is dangerous. If it falls into the wrong hands, Quinn will do anything to destroy it. Paradigm is using Praetoria in its ploy to get him back. It means we have to protect his property. And if the ship goes and Watson isn’t fully moved over too, he’ll lose everything.”

“This is what you’ll tell Watson?”



“What, no rousing speech about separation of emotion and duty?” The lift opened, but Kira didn’t rush out of it.

“I don’t- You have valid reasons for this one beyond what I can see, but Kira?”


“Be careful, please.”

“I know what I’m doing.” She took a step out of the lift and offered him a half salute, attempting to get a rise out of him.

The unimpressed look back before he hit the button for a different floor held until the lift doors closed and he was gone.

Kira plodded backwards, tapping behind her ear. “Ann, can you relay to Quinn that I’m off to take a shower, but he can let himself into my room.”

“Yes, Captain.”

She wrapped herself in a large, fluffy towel. The shower dried her after she’d switched off the water, but in her rush she’d forgotten to bring her clothes with her. Normally it wouldn’t be an issue, but with Quinn waiting, she didn’t want to overwhelm his senses, or pressure him before he was ready.

“Hey,” often enough, she’d treated him with hesitance, but in that moment, she relayed her own fears onto him with how she spoke.

He perched on the edge of her bed, avoiding either chair. Possibly because one overflowed with books, one half open on top and the other had a blanket tossed where she’d gotten up quickly. The bed, this time, was free of clutter and had the sheets pulled up and tucked properly.

“Hi.” He matched her tone perfectly, something in the way he looked at her full of unabashed affection. He had no shields up to her. She could see it so easily, how he’d relaxed his posture. “I was uh…” His eyes roved down to the towel, causing a stuttering halt. “Wondering if you wanted to, uh, cuddle like we do sometimes in the Astrium.”

“Here or there?”

“Uh, I was thinking here, but I wouldn’t say no to going up there if you’d prefer.”

“Here is fine.” There, she had to take precautions to be available and, with earlier in mind, she wanted to be available for the foreseeable future. “Let me get dressed.”
