Page 45 of The Retrofit

“Why don’t we forget it happened?”

“I guess, sure.” Quinn shoved off the rest of the covers, resulting in a crumpled mess as he stood. “I need to go think.”


“Thank you.”

As he left, her scent lingered upon him. A flowery soap from the bed having transferred into his clothes and his senses. Waking there, in a mess, wrapped in her sheets, it was how he imagined normality was. It was all he could think of as he lifted his shirt up to his nose, inhaling deeply.

Chapter Fourteen


The repairs are complete according to the trackers.

“All of them?”

All of them.

Kira puffed her cheeks and blew hard. “Guess he has had little else to focus on the last couple of days.”

She could practically hear the pleasure in Watson when he replied, He is an emotionally stunted, lab rat. I’m not sure what you expected.

“Do you have to do that?”

Have to do what?

“Tear him down, he’s still a person, he’s still…” Something.

Kira, you put this ship in danger. You put me in danger. The fact he’s avoided you the last couple of days shows just how volatile he is. He does not understand complex emotions. If you anger him again, he could choose to make sure it is never a problem again.

“I didn’t mean to.” She rubbed her eyes. They burned with the sensation of unshed tears. Their ducts were unusually hard to activate. They still had them like their human counterparts, but for praetorians it was a very marked reaction when they worked.

I am aware you did not mean to, but I will continue to advise you on what is best for the crew, best for everyone.

Her lack of an immediate reply boded well, or unwell.

The Vicar has arrived.

Her mood improved as she went to greet the older gentleman, to welcome him aboard. He came over from the Eikos, and while she wouldn’t cross for a proper escort, she would meet him at the door.

“You believe you’ve made genuine progress.” Max stood within the kitchen, taking up the doorway, arms tucked behind his back in an eerily familiar at ease position.

“I do, but it’s like-” She poured more flour into a bowl, “Well, it’s like that thing you say where it’s one step forward and then two steps back. Every bit of progress I make, I undo as quickly as I make it. I just want to help him, but he resists. I’m never sure how far is too far until I’ve gone too far.”

A flash of white caught her eye. Quinn. He walked into the mess. How much he overheard anyone’s guess. His hands tucked in his pockets and shoulders hunched up to his ears as he took a seat without a word.

Kira’s mouth dropped open at the sight. Seeing him, especially when he knew there would be others, was a good sign. Max’s raised brows showed equal surprise. He had received a warning to be gentle with him. Kid gloves, Kira had said.

Max carried a dish over to the table. With the crew returning, they wouldn’t be eating in the pass through anymore. He smiled, not as broad as usual, and said, “I’m glad you’re joining us.”

Kira had her back to Quinn, but she glanced over her shoulder to gauge his reaction, as she knew he wasn’t fond of strangers. Max had been sincere in his well wishing, even if Quinn wouldn’t take as intended.

The response Max received was as succinct and to the point as one could hope for. Quinn grunted, acknowledging his words but offering no comment to them.

“Max, this is ready too.” Kira settled the gravy on the window, attempting to save Quinn, if only for just a moment.

Max set the table, then took his spot, placing Kira at the head. Quinn to her right and Max to her left.