Page 19 of The Retrofit

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“That’s what I thought.”

Offloading onto the Eikos early, Kira took advantage of the main ship’s log to do a thorough analysis on Quinn, or rather Paradigm Enterprises. But looking into him proved to be a fruitless endeavor. His name wasn’t in any record database. Considering his implants, it wasn't surprising to her. The inside of his skull was completely illegal. That extensive amount of work had been outlawed because of the intense side effects, mainly death.

Putting out a few feelers with her contacts in Rumor had turned out to be equally useless and a waste of a favor. No social media, no official record of him existing, not even a picture of him at a Paradigm facility. The galaxy was a big place, and some people slipped through the cracks, but a guy like Quinn? It seemed impossible that he could be so utterly off the grid.

But the event he’d told her about, she hit the jackpot there. A planet being destroyed didn’t go without some news coverage, especially on covert channels. The publicly available information indicated that it was some unforeseen geological occurrence that cracked the planet apart. The military report on it was a much more fascinating document. It was a weapons test. A Paradigm weapons test.

“Quinn couldn’t possibly have known what he was working on.”

The man couldn’t not know what he was working on. You’ve seen the ship upgrades. Hell, you’ve seen the implants. He probably has a processing system installed inside his brain.

Kira’s face scrunched up a little at the mention of his processing system. Watson sounded almost matter of fact, but the use of the word ‘hell’ told her plenty. He still felt peeved she’d not dropped it.

“I’ve seen his eyes too.”

The words dropped from her mouth with the softest inflection. They sparked with electricity, with light. Beneath that, she wasn’t sure what color they really were. All she could see was the ring of unnaturalness when he focused upon her.

That is exactly the reason you should walk away now, Kira. He’s dangerous.

“He’s lonely.”

That’s not your problem to solve.

“The Valstar?” Kira rechecked the log. The transport she’d requested had been a general request, or so she’d thought that’s what Watson had applied for.

Yes, Captain. When I contacted Sir, he made the arrangements.

“Recalling Morgan is overkill.” Rubbing her eyes, she’d been staring at the screen for too long. Blue light was no longer a concern, but too much intense focus still could be harmful to the eyes of non-human races.

Should I ask for another? Watson sounded almost amused.

“I prefer Morgan’s flying,” she spouted off, kicking the desk to push her chair, sliding away from the console. On her feet in a sharp turn, the door opened as she approached.

I am simply glad I do not have to feel it.

Kira laughed. “Just because you know the math of what he does now doesn’t mean you would have before.”

Some stunts he’s pulled have been outright impossible. There is no reason he should have survived them.

“Yet he does.” A matter of pride for the Captain as most everything was. “Morgan is a boon to this ship. Well overqualified. We are lucky to have him.”

You are lucky to be alive. The scorn he managed to get through his processor was impressive.

Kira laughed again. “There is truth in that statement, but it’s not about Morgan’s flying.”

Arriving at the main shuttle bay for the Eikos, Kira initially expected to hop on a regular transport to Maudlin, not to be catered to by Toke to the point he used her actual pilot. When she’d checked the transport list looking for her arrangements, she’d discovered the switch. It wasn’t an unpleasant surprise, but still a surprise all the same.

The shuttle bay encompassed a large section of the outer ring, with a landing platform inside one could board smaller shuttles, usually for less than twenty passengers, that passed through the barrier to land. It spanned across a wide open area with an almost translucent field that kept the environment, and gravity settings, alive within the bay. The faint purple tint made one aware of its presence. Passing by several smaller eight passenger vessels, Kira came upon the Valstar.

The familiar paint scheme of navy blue and yellow stood in stark contrast to the usual gun metal gray of every other ship. Morgan stood at the back, the ramp let down before him. Shoulder leaning into the side of the vessel, he had an ease about his stance. Morgan was the only other Praetorian serving on board the Callistar. Like Kira, his skin had copper in its tone. His physique resembled someone who just got off work on a shift at Abercrombie later, but he possessed quicker reflexes than a human. When he pushed off the side to greet her, it was unnaturally fast.

“Captain!” His grin widened, resembling the Cheshire Cat as he stalked forward, a model on a catwalk, arms outstretched as he embraced Kira, lifting her up in a bear hug. “Long time no see!”

“It should have been longer.” Kira could not resist smiling back, giving him a once over to make sure he looked alright. “I’m sorry you were recalled.”

“Nah, don’t be sorry.” Morgan made a tsking sound, turning back on his heel, motioning for her to follow him.