Page 14 of The Retrofit

Alec didn’t return the jest, but squeezed her a little tighter before making his way onto the shuttle, still patting his pockets restlessly.

Commander West liked to keep people waiting. It was a power move, schedule a meeting, then make sure that you were ‘busy’ when they arrived. The tactic was as old as time and Kira expected it, not that she’d stand for it, but she certainly knew it was likely.

She’d passed through the Eikos station, taking a few shortcuts over to the tube that hit the officers’ quarters and offices. The principal thoroughfare on the station had been about what it was on the Meeting Place. A collection of strange faces and races all obtaining last minute supplies, hashing out deals for repairs or upgrades, or visiting one of the many on board spots for entertainment and drinking. A one stop shop for some and reputable enough they had upscale clients as security kept the station clean and the janitorial staff kept it well cared for.

Kira popped down a side hallway that ran the outside ring to avoid some of the open areas. They’d boarded here before and she’d be recognized, and she wasn’t in the mood to be trifled with, nor did she want to be late. The Eikos was familiar enough to her that she could skirt around the crowds.

Hitting security again as she came to the commanding decks, she flashed her pass, explained she was there for a meeting, and was given directions, unnecessarily. Rolling her eyes after she passed the scanner, she hit the alert button for West’s office.

“May I help you?” A decidedly feminine voice came over the line.

He’s gotten a new secretary, Kira thought, “Captain Starling here to see Commander West.”

A beep sounded and the familiar swishing of a door showed she was free to enter. Crossing into the room, she left a metal platform for something much more plush, actual carpet. The Eikos itself was what one expected of space, modernity in smooth lines and harsh metal mixed with a few sparse touches of luxury, but the Commander… well he liked to have a mixture of what the 1960s might have looked like if they’d been in space. Oval-shaped desks, odd egg chairs, and the plush bright ugly orange carpet.

Kira hated the sinking feeling of softness under her heels, but she moved forward, giving the secretary a passing glance walking straight to the next door.

“Captain Starling, I’m afraid he’s not ready yet,” the woman rose to stop her from entering.

The door auto-locked so Kira pivoted towards the woman, getting a good look at her. She was West’s type, blonde, curvy, and possibly dim-witted. They’d find out in a moment. She adopted a bright smile, stalking over like how a predator stalks their prey.

The blonde woman sat back down, satisfied, not knowing what she’d gotten herself into. Kira planted her hands on the smooth white table, the shellacked surface threatening to make them slide across.

“Let me guess, the Commander is entertaining another guest?” Kira leaned over her hands, every word bringing her just a little closer to the woman.

Blondie swallowed at the proximity. Her robin egg blue eyes were wide as saucers, “He’s, uh…” She licked her lips, “He’ll be done momentarily.”

“Mmm,” Kira was inches away now, her own amber gaze trapping the woman in place, “I’m sure he will be. The problem is that I don’t intend on waiting.”

“I’m afraid-”

“That I insisted,” Kira spoke over the woman, “Hit the button. Please.”

“There’s no need to assault my staff, Captain,” the Commander spoke from behind Kira. She recognized his voice immediately. It wasn’t one she’d soon forget because while he acted like he was a Talcien’s relative in his actions, that snake charmer oil salesman's voice just sealed the deal.

Kira shot upright, turning about. “Commander! Lovely to see you again.”

Centered in the opening between the two offices, she noted his hair had been slicked back, possibly with the oil she joked about him selling privately. Chopped at the nape of his neck, it all landed perfectly there from where he’d combed it that direction. His uniform fit tightly, the black polyester mix straining across a muscled chest, and his broad shoulders, but his nose had taken one too many hits and was a little crooked. Ones he’d probably deserved if anyone asked her.

“As it is always lovely to see you Captain, now if you’re done disturbing Miss. Donahue, you can follow me.”

“I’m done,” Kira winked at Blondie before following the commander into his office, which was even more repulsively decorated because there were bright neon orange accents on top of shag.

“Would you like something to drink, Captain?”

“No, thank you.”

“You can take a seat if you’d like.” West poured himself something out of a decanter. Fake booze, she guessed. It lacked the smell of ethanol but provided the same kick if one allowed it.

Kira eyed the furniture hesitantly. Anything covered in fur was questionable, so she’d politely refuse, “I’m good standing, thank you.”

West took his time, adding in one ice cube after another, each clinking against one another.

Captain, how long should I give you?

Watson sounded off in her ear. His reminder he was present with her as he always was. When she crossed the threshold from her personal quarters, Watson automatically rerouted to the implant with standard permission protocols in place.

Kira tilted her head, her eyes flicking to West, “Five,” she muttered low enough he would not hear her.