I pant hard. “So fucking good.” I give him a weak smirk, half delusional. “Thank you.”
Remy laughs, pushing back a few steps. He wipes his hand on my hoodie and shakes his head at me. “Did you just thank me?”
“Yeah. Didn’t know what else to say.” I sink against the wall and stand there in all my mess. “It seemed fitting. I’m too tired to think.”
Remy grabs me a spare pair of sweatpants that one of my brothers must have left here at one point. They smell a bit musty, but whatever. I change and flop down on my stomach, the bed cold. He opens the bedroom door to let in heat from the fire in the living room, then settles on his back beside me.
“That was hot as fuck, Rem.” I stretch out an arm and drape it over his stomach. “Like, so hot.”
He takes my hand and drags it down to his dick, showing me he’s still hard. “What’re you doing to me, Zahn?”
I dunno. But he’s doing it to me, too.
Sucked a dick. Check. Sucked Remy’s dick. Double check.
Chapter 30
Remy and I take turns flying the helicopter to drop my brothers, Gar, Maddyn, and Laken off for backcountry boarding. While one of us is piloting, the other is boarding, and honestly, it feels damn good to get back out here.
Not gonna lie, even the boner from watching Gar board feels damn good.
Now we’re all sitting around a massive fire in the valley between peaks. The wind is blocked by the mountains, the sky is clear and starry, and the night is fun and relaxed. I didn’t realize how much I’d missed nights like this after all the crazy nights I’ve been having lately. Time spent with family and our closest friends is never wasted. Except Four. He’s being a mopey bastard because Gen doesn’t board, so she’s not here. He’s having a good time, but it’s obvious he misses her, and to be fair, I’m kind of proud he found someone worth missing.
I think I’d miss Remy if he wasn’t here.
“Night run, love?” Jed asks Laken.
“Yeah,” Laken says, standing to give Jed a quick kiss. “With Gar.” She yanks Gar to his feet, and we all watch them walk away with their boards for one more run down the mountain.
“Not too far, Bossy!” Kade shouts. Laken gives him the finger.
“Alright.” Jed gets our attention. “Taking Bo’s fucked-up lead, we’ve got news.”
No way! Are these assholes going to propose to Laken? That’s what Bo brought us up here for the last time, so I can only assume.
“Fuck off! Seriously?” Bass laughs. “She’s gonna say no.”
“Fuck you, Bass.” Kade throws snow at him.
“Did you clear it with Gar? He gets final say.” Four grins.
“Hey, Bass has a point,” Kolt butts in. “She hasn’t had her shot with us yet, so there’s still a chance we’ll swoop in and snatch that ass.”
“You already buckled under that pressure once, dipshit. But good try.” Bo shoves Kolt, knocking him off the log he’s sitting on.
“Won’t make the same mistake twice,” he declares as he gets back up.
“You’re gonna give her Grandma’s ring?” Rydan gets us back on track.
Jed doesn’t even look nervous. He’s never been more sure of anything in life, but when Laken walked away from him, he gained the clarity that I’m maybe starting to get whenever I look at Remy. Kade, on the other hand, looks downright cocky. Like he already knows Laken is his forever.
“Yeah,” Jed says. “We made some changes to it.” He sweeps his eyes around the circle to see if any of us are going to taunt him.
We’re all uncharacteristically quiet, which usually means we’re going to mock the fuck out of him, but not this time. We knew this day was coming, and after all the bullshit Jed and Kade put each other through, not to mention Laken, I’m just proud of them for finding the balance and making it work for them.
“It’s about fucking time,” Four exclaims. “Took you two long enough!”
Jed and Kade offer up bashful smirks until we shower them with loving quips and lots of swears.