“Lakes!” Jed shouts at her. “You fucking knew?”

“So did you!” Laken shouts my words at Jed.

“So, how hot are we talking?” Hardin asks.

Remy looks at me to answer that one, but I huff out a condescending laugh. “You wanna be all bold and open then you can answer their bullshit questions.”

Remy grins at me before answering. “Fireball whiskey hot. First time I’ve had a load of cum all over my abs. Didn’t hate it.”

“Oh, good,” Mom says sarcastically. “We're having glazed cake for dessert. Fits the theme.”

“Fits my theme,” Dom says.

Apparently, it fits ours now, too. Mom smiles at the two of us, getting up to get that cake.

Chapter 28

This investigation is a shit show. Yeah, we’re winning because of hard evidence and the pilot’s admittance, but we don’t have the money or the lawyers to throw at a long and drawn-out case. My brother, a lawyer, called to offer help with the case. Didn’t even ask how I was or if I was okay after everything. Zahn said no before I even got the chance to, but I would have said the same thing. He just saved me from having to.

Honestly, I just want it all to end. I want the case over with, the insurance dealt with, a new plane to replace the one I lost, and to put the rest of it behind me. I wish there was a way to help Genevieve through all this, but she’s struggling even though she’s angry. Bless her fucking heart for being more concerned about me than herself.

“And then!” Gen drunkenly shouts in the middle of the living room at the Dare house. “And then he told me he could get me fired from the hospital here! Like he heckin’ knows anything, right?”

Zahn smirks, but Four has his full attention on his woman. He jokingly reminded her that a lady does not raise her voice, but as soon as he said it, he smacked her ass and handed her a paper towel roll to use as a megaphone. She couldn’t bring herself to use it. The giggles that manifested from it were goddamn perfect, though.

“I won’t let that happen, Genevieve,” Four says, having no idea how he’s going to keep that promise, but I know he will.

“Forsyth,” Gen says in a calmer tone, smiling at him. “Will you still want me if I’m poor and ratty?”

He barks out a laugh. “Fuck yeah I will, sweetheart. We can be poor and happy together.” He pulls her onto his lap and she laughs like she hasn’t in a few days. How the hell she has the strength to get through the blackmail from her family is beyond me. We all knew she was a warrior when she took control of her life, but fuck, she keeps proving her strength and determination day in and day out.

But Zahn isn’t picking up on the lighthearted mood of the room. He’s all pissy when he says, “If he threatens another person I love, I’ll knock him the fuck out. I know he’s your dad, but fuck that guy.”

My heart bleeds. He’s always loved me, I know that, but this is something new and deeper. I look at him, and our eyes meet for a few seconds of silent acceptance before Gen cuts in.

“Zahnder,” she says, climbing off Four. “I’m so sorry.”

“Not your fault, hun. Just keep on smiling.” He softens for her. According to Four, Gen and Nina were the ones who kept Zahn calm while I was missing. He wasn’t lying when he said Zahn went a bit nuts, and as much as that sucks, it reminds me how important what we have is.

“If I never ran away, never came here, and never met a rude pilot on the docks, none of this would have ever happened,” Gen says sadly.

“I’ll take it a million times over for you to keep my brother… soft.”

“I am not soft, you prick!” A pillow flies across the room.

It breezes right by Gen’s head, but her eyes are on me. “Remington.” She plops right down on my lap like she’s sidesaddle riding. I look at Four with a grin, and he gives me one back. Her fingers brush my cheek and her eyes meet mine. She’s literally just trying to comfort me, and it makes my chest crack again. “I am so sorry for the part my father played in your accident.”


She presses a hand to my mouth, and my eyes widen in shock. What does wine turn this Southern Belle into? This isn’t polite Genevieve, and I love it. “If anything worse would have happened to you…” A tear falls down her rosy cheek.

Four lets out a long breath, hurting for his girl. Zahn squeezes Gen’s thigh, smiling at her, so I palm her cheeks and wipe those tears away.

“You have nothing to be sorry for, okay? Nothing. But thank you.” I kiss her cheek. “Now cheer up and tell us more stories.” I laugh.

Kade pulls her off my lap and hands her a new glass of wine. “Will a group fuck make ya feel better, Genny?” He gives her that demonic Dare grin. The sinister version of it.

“Kade Dare! It is a heckin’ work night!” She gets right in his face, no longer intimidated by him. Her finger presses to his chest as she scolds him from a foot below his face. “There will be no group sex on a work night, but I might be able to pencil you in on my next day off.”