Remy smacks the table again, getting into this. “Pilots. Just here for the night, looking for a good time. No strings.”
“They’ll ask about hotel rooms,” I fill in the plot hole.
“Pilots. Here for a few more hours until we catch a flight back to base. Just killing time. They’re tourists, so they’ll have the hotel room.” He takes another shot. “Wait. No hotel rooms. I don’t have the energy for that. A backseat fuck.”
“You can’t just suggest a backseat fuck, Rem! You gotta build up to that.” I laugh, shaking my head. “You lost your game, man.”
“Yeah, because our game has never been complicated! We just wing it, so let’s go.” He slides the last shot to me.
Fuck it. I slam it back even though neither of us needs more to drink, and we get up.
Remy is a charmer. He’s that blond god girls drool over, and when he stands, his walk gains swagger, leading us straight into trouble. He’s always been good at that.
“Ladies,” he greets them with that winning smirk. “Having a good night?”
They lock their eyes on Remy, interested. The blond looks him up and now and then sets her eyes on me while the brunette looks her fill. Okay, we’re definitely the ones being played here, but I’m not mad about it. Makes me wonder how long these two have been running their game together. Probably as long as me and Remy.
“We are,” the brunette says, smiling. “But it’s getting a little boring.”
“Maybe we can make it a little less boring,” Remy says. Shit, he’s drunk as hell, so I expected him to stumble at least a little, but my boy is on point tonight.
“Both of you?” the blond asks, looking between the two of us.
Nailed it. I knew they wouldn’t leave separately.
I give her my best Dare grin. “What’d you have in mind?” The things I do for you, Remy. Such sacrifice.
They look at each other, working out the finer details of their plan. Yes, they’ve definitely been running this game for a long time. Remy looks at me, and we both take a second to respect it. He smirks, and I hide my laugh behind his back. Love it when chicks know how to get what they want and make it seem like we’re the ones who put in all the work.
“We’re staying at the hotel up the street,” the brunette says.
Are we ever going to learn their names, or are they not important tonight?
“Are you inviting us back to your room …?”
“Kristy,” the brunette says. “And you are?”
“Remy.” He grabs her hand and kisses it like some prince. Jesus, that’s a drunk Remy move. Sober Remy would never do that. “This is Zahn.” He grabs my shoulder.
“Carlee,” the blond one says with a flirty smile.
Okay, lame-ass introductions out of the way. Time to go and do my duty so my bestie can get laid. Fortunately, my dick seems into this duty, so it’s no burden, but I’d still like to sleep at some point tonight.
Carlee, the blond. She’s my duty, and I’ll make damn sure she has a good time. “Need another drink before we go?”
“Oh, we’re good to go,” Kristy says. The two of them lean into one another, whispering their little secrets, and then we’re all leaving the bar together.
Remy, the asshole, almost backs out as soon as we hit the sidewalk, but I give him a pep-talk. Basically, it consists of me calling him a moody bitch and reminding him to think with his dick. Sorted.
We’ve hooked up together plenty of times over the years, but something feels different about tonight.
Chapter 3
Remy’s got the blond bent over, fucking her from behind. Nothing new there. What is sort of new is the fact that every time he thrusts into her, her mouth slides down my cock. I’m on my back, and her friend, Kristy, is straddling my damn face.
Jesus. Not where I saw this night going, but I’m Zahn Dare, and I’ve always been more attracted to a situation than anything. I’m into this, and even better than that, Remy’s into this. Tiredness, forgotten.
The night morphs into one hot fuck, with bodies everywhere. The hotel room becomes a blur of sensations and sounds as condoms, lube, swapped partners, and surfaces merge together. But somewhere along the way, or maybe right from the beginning, these two goddesses start dominating the whole thing.