“Liar. You basically live at Remy’s, so what’s really going on?”
Okay, maybe this is a golden moment. Bass and Kolt are probably a bit improperly close, so he might actually have some advice to give. “You and Bass ever get sucked off at the same time?”
“Yeah. Why?”
“Your dicks touch?” I need the clarification.
“A mouth is only so big.” He laughs. “Your dick touch Rem’s?”
“Yeah.” Might as well admit it.
Kolt slows down now that we’re out of town, like he’s taking his time to let me talk it out. “So? Is he freaked out or something?”
“No, but he fucking should be, right?”
“Why? I didn’t think you two were weird like that. Rem bi or something?”
“Are you?” he asks.
“Or something.”
Kolt laughs. “I don’t get what the big deal is. Unless you’re thinking about fucking Remy or something, it’s just a blowjob that I’m assuming was hot enough to get you both off. It happened. Get over it.”
Sounds like Remy. I’m not thinking about sex with Remy, am I? No. Not sex. But sexy things. Other things. He needs to learn his boundaries, and I don’t want this shit to come between us. I can’t risk losing him. I can’t risk our friendship over some hot sex. Maybe this arrangement is a bad idea. But then I think of Remy backing out of his hookups because he feels awkward, and I want to be there to ease that. I want to do this with him, I just don’t want him to regret it when more lines get blurred.
“Kade’s always been the blunt one, so everyone thinks he’s wild. But he’s a tame little kitten who likes one woman and knew it as soon as she showed up. You? You’ve always been the most… open. To anything and anyone and any situation. You think Remy doesn’t know that about you? Give him some credit, man.”
He doesn’t know the full extent of it, and neither does Kolt. I mean, they assume, but Remy was blindsided, and as much as I feel like shit about that, it’s now the thing I regret him knowing. Because I’m sitting here in the passenger seat of Kolt’s truck, wondering if Remy is thinking of me differently now that he knows I like guys, too. And that is what’s bothering me.
“I know. I just don’t want him to regret it later.” I shrug.
“Okay, you dumb prick, let me lay some wisdom on ya.”
Oh, god. Here we go. Kolt’s not known for his wisdom.
“You two have been running this game for years. Years! He’s seen you in all positions, and you’ve seen him in worse ones. You really think one little cock touch is going to be the thing that throws him off? Not a fucking chance, Zahn.”
“Even if he knows I like guys?”
“Even then. It’s Remy.”
Well, shit. When he puts it like that. So, why am I overreacting then? Out of the two of us, why is Remy the calm one? What am I doing with Kolt when I should be back at Remy’s talking this out?
“Can you take me back?”
He grins, already pulling a U-turn. “For fuck’s sake, Zahn. You’re such a waste of my time.”
“Didn’t sound like you were doing anything better.”
He pulls up in front of Remy’s. “You owe me a hundred bucks for the therapy session, asshole. See ya tomorrow.”
“Thanks.” I laugh. “I’ll let you fuck someone on the plane sometime. My gift to you. The mile high club.”
“Sold.” He smirks.
Thanks, Kolt.