“She likes barbarian,” I say, laughing. “Kade in particular.”

“Fuck you.” He smacks me again. “Who you pleasing these days? You have someone constant?”

My eyes naturally shift to where Remy is standing with Jed and the twins. He does look tight tonight. That messy blond hair peeking out from under a hat, a pair of dark jeans, a simple black t-shirt, tattooed arms flexing every time he brings his glass to his mouth. Fuck, that mouth.

Four smacks me for the hundredth time. “Are you fucking serious?” he asks me, appalled.

“What?” I look away from Remy.

“Shit getting kinky with you and Rem? You just eye-fucked him, man.” He widens his accusatory glare at me, lowering his voice. “I know you two have been running a game, but… what else?”

Remy’s sexuality and his secrets are his… but my brothers are my brothers, and I’m not one to keep shit from them. Can I tell Four without betraying Remy? Well, logic tells me there’s a ton of shit on my conscience, and Four is standing right here, so…

“Bedroom,” Four says, pushing me towards it. I swipe the bottle of whiskey before we get too far. “Spill it, Zahn. I’m listening.” He closes our bedroom door behind him.

“I shouldn’t. Remy’s trust…”

“I’ll keep it to myself, but you gotta vent. Or offload a fuck ton of confessions or something. Let me be your priest.” He grins.

Big inhale. Slow breath out.

“You don’t get to make shitty comments.”

He grins. “Fine.”

We sit down on our beds, facing one another, swapping a bottle of whiskey back and forth. I’m not ashamed of what’s going on, but I’m confused about it, so if Four wants to be my priest for the night, I’ll take advantage and lay all my sins on him.

“Alright, so I was tied up and blindfolded.”

“Great start.”

I throw him the finger. “And it was hot as fuck. Not able to see who was doing what… yeah, I was into it. Well, after a shit ton of edging, I ended up getting the best blowie of my life. Like… I’m not even shitting you. It was a goddamn experience. I couldn’t shut up about it, and no one would tell me who gave it to me. Remy got sick of me asking about it, and then when we were stuck on St. Matthew, we got on each other’s nerves, right?”

“It happens.” Four nods.

“Well, I asked one too many times, and then Remy blurted out the answer.”

“Who was it?”

I tilt my head at him.

“Remy?” he gasps. “Fuck, for real? He just sucked your dick like that?”

“Yeah, I guess. He said it was the heat of the moment or whatever, and I don’t know if he would have done it if I wasn’t blindfolded, but fuck me, Four.” I bite my knuckles to convey how good it was.

“Shit,” he breathes. “Impressed. So, is he bi or something? Wait, are you bi? You’ve never really confirmed.”

“He’s not. Or he wasn’t. Think he’s confused now. He says I make him comfortable.” I take a swig and pass him the bottle.

“And you? Bi?”

“What do I need a damn label for? I’m just me. Flexible. Open.”

“Fair enough,” he agrees. “So, what happened when he told you?”

“We had a freakout.” I laugh. “Once I found out it was him, it all made sense, you know? Like, we have this awesome bond, and we do sex things together all the time, so of fucking course it’d be that good with him after all this time. I thought it’d freak me out and make things weird, but it’s only… spiced things up to a level I want to keep increasing.” I smile at my hands. “I want shit to keep going, but I don’t want to push him until he’s ready. We’re best friends.”

“What’s he think?”