We really need another bathroom, or more people need to stay at their own houses.
Dom lets out a guttural moan as he comes, and I’m just in here picturing Liam swallowing it all like a champion. Reaching back, I bring my balls into the mix, not too put off to keep going.
“Still want a turn, Zahn?” Liam teases me.
“I’ll even say please.” I smirk at the shower wall.
The bathroom door bursts open, and Jed ruins my solo time yet again. “Hurry the hell up, whoever is in there. I’ve gotta leave in ten minutes!”
“Zahn,” Liam tells Jed before he and Dom actually leave.
“Get out, Zahn.”
“Gotta get off first. Leave. It’ll go faster.”
“You have three fucking minutes.” He slams the door on his way out.
Okay, three minutes. I can work with that.
Last year, me and Rem worked over these two chicks from Anchorage. I have no idea why that’s popping into my mind right now, but the vibe of that whole night was insane. We ended up back in a hotel room with sex everywhere, bodies pressed up against other bodies, and I remember Remy looking around the room while one of those girls bounced on his lap, and when his eyes met mine, he laughed. Like, the whole thing was elaborate and intense, but when he laughed and his shoulder nudged mine, it was like this sense of relief swept over us. We’ve always gotten up to some crazy shit, but goddamn, it feels right to do it together.
After that laugh, Remy looked down and watched me get my dick sucked, and that, his eyes on my cock, her mouth on me, and his hands on her hips, is what gets me off in the shower. The insanity of it all. The busy energy and the chaotic vibes. The shamelessness and the sexy atmosphere.
Jed’s busting back through the door before my cum even circles the drain.
“Time’s up. Let’s go.”
I’m still trembling as I rinse off, and Jed, being an impatient rammy asshole, shoves his way in before I’m even all the way out.
“I think you need anger management,” I tell him, stealing the clean towel he brought in.
“I have Kade for that,” Jed says. “His face is good for my anger, and when my fists hit it, it’s even better.”
“Good luck with that plan long-term, bud. Laken will either kill you both, or he’ll train to get better than you.”
“My bets on Lakes first. Get out.”
I steal his second towel and get out.
Despite the fact that Remy is being hit on when I finally drag my ass to the docks, he still looks exhausted and pissed off. I know my boy, and right now, he’s not in the right frame of mind to be flirted with. I grin at the girls as I walk up, not recognizing them.
Remy looks at me with relief, and with nothing more than an apologetic smile in their direction, he leads me to the loading dock where the plane is waiting.
He’s the same height and build as I am, tall with lean muscle, but our feature assets are opposites. I’m dark, he’s light, and that’s always worked to our benefit growing up. He’s a blondie, and I’m a brunette. I’m green-eyed, and he’s got the baby blues. We’ve got all the white-boy boxes checked between us, and unless someone is looking for a redhead, we’re covered. It’s helped our game over the years. But lately, Remy’s been backing out of our fun. He doesn’t struggle to pick up, but when he locks in, he’s been ditching at the last minute, and he won’t tell me what that’s all about.
“We’re paying those two way more than they’re worth,” Remy says, nodding to the two contracted pilots we hire sometimes. They’re local boys who like to pick up odd jobs when it’s busy because they know the companies will pay out the ass if we’re desperate enough. Which we are.
“It’s not like we’re hard up for cash, Rem. Why don’t we back off a bit until we find another pilot?”
“Turn down jobs?” he asks, shaking his head and nodding at a cargo load that needs to be put on the plane. “You think that’s smart?”
“Not turn ‘em down, just do them on our schedule. Work based on priority, and go from there. We can’t keep pulling these kinds of hours.”
Remy scoffs at me. “Oh? Now you believe me? You called me a bitch yesterday.”
“You are a bitch.” I laugh, helping him load up. “We can hire out to these two, pay through the teeth for it for now, and figure something out long term. Or we can scale back the business a bit. We’re making bank, right? Why do we need more?”