Not quite an orgy, but… we’ll see how it goes.
Wait… am I nervous?
Chapter 9
Despite the minor faux pas when Remy and that other girl went into the bathroom last night, I had a good time with Taylor. Tonight, she’s on fire. Her blatant confidence and outright refusal to stop and let us think about anything proves to be a great tension breaker. We’ve fucked, she’s sucked, we’ve all swapped and licked and kissed, and not to be smug, but she’s already had her fill of orgasms.
“Stand here,” she says, pushing us back to lean against the wall, side by side.
I look at Remy to see if he’s cool with it, but he just shrugs, not at all fazed. That’s my boy. We might have fucked the same chick, but we haven’t touched like this, shoulder to shoulder, hip to hip, cocks out and only inches apart. I’m definitely not hating it. This is the vibe I live for.
“How close are you two?” she asks, kneeling in front of us.
Okay, this better not get awkward.
“Close,” Remy says, not at all understanding what she means by that. Because shit, we better be close if she’s going to do what I think she’s going to do.
“Can I suck you both at the same time?” Taylor asks, a cock in each fist like a goddamn trooper.
Remy moans beside me, already into this and unwilling to stop to actually think. “Yeah,” he answers, again not understanding her intention.
I’m about to jump in, tell him that our literal dicks will touch if she does that, but it’s too late. She wraps her lips around the head of his cock, and my boy is a goner. I mean, I’m pretty impressed because he’s got a package on him, but again, before I can give her a proper ‘you go, girl,’ she’s popping off his cock and swallowing mine.
I tense at the feel of her mouth, but the rest of me relaxes. Okay, maybe she really does just want to alternate. That’s not too awkward, and Remy shouldn’t have a problem with it. He also doesn’t seem to have a problem with my shoulder brushing his and our hips bumping together, but I won’t tell him I’m secretly enjoying the shit out of it. Two bodies touching me at once are always better than one, even if he has no idea what he’s doing to me. It’s just a vibe thing. A ‘multiple-points-of-contact’ thing.
“Move closer,” Taylor says.
“Remy… fuck.” I don’t know what I actually want to say because I want this, but I don’t want it to freak him out. “We don’t have to—”
He moves closer to me, giving me a weird look. Basically asking why I—Mr. No Limits who is up for anything—is being a downer. Well, fucking sue me for watching out for his limits! Our bodies smoosh together, and Rem doesn’t give a shit. Even though he mumbles a quiet, ‘This is hot as fuck,’ I really hope he doesn’t regret it later.
When he smirks, I decide to just roll with it.
Taylor is one of those chicks who likes a challenge. I can see it in the way her eyes glint at the sight of our dicks so close together. While she’s logistically working out how she’s going to fit us both in her mouth, I’m trying to come up with a reason why this isn’t a good idea. Remy still has to be my best bud after this, and yeah, we’ve crossed all sorts of lines together, but never the touching one, and especially not the cocks touching one.
With a hand on both of us, she starts her sexy show, and I hate that I’m too caught up in worrying about Remy’s feelings to properly enjoy it. Until her mouth wraps around the head of my cock and the warm press of Remy’s dick meets mine. A subtle, choked ‘fuck’ leaves my lips, but it’s a pleasure sound rather than one of worry. To feel him pressed against me… oh god, I love it too much. Should I hide that? Should I act like this is no big deal while my mind spins into gutters it has no business being in? Ones that include Remy and his impressive cock?
“Mmm,” Taylor hums, complimenting our combined taste. I’m wondering what we taste like, and Jesus, no… bad idea.
I want to look at Remy to see what’s going through his mind, but instead, I look down to take in the visual of us pressed together, sliding in and out of a wide-open mouth. Her tongue swirls around the two of us, and yeah, I’m so into it that my eyes get mesmerized, my body heats up, and my worries forget to be worried.
Remy makes a choking sound, and when my head snaps in his direction, I find him looking at the same thing I’m looking at. His cheeks are flushed a rosy pink, his eyes are glazed, and his lips are slick and parted. Okay, maybe I don’t have to be worried about him. He’s enjoying this enough that he’s struggling to keep his shit together.
“Holy fuck,” he groans.
“Remy…” I don’t know what else to say besides his name, but I want him to know he has the power to stop this if he wants to.
But when he looks over at me, all I see is arousal and a lack of restraint. It’s so blatant and needy that my dick throbs precum and Taylor licks it up, humming around us. He doesn’t smirk or smile or say anything, but he doesn’t look away, either. Not until his body trembles and I look down in time to see the glistening tip of his cock, slick with new precum, flushed and ready to goddamn burst.
He’s into this? That into this?
“Come for me, boys,” Taylor says, her lips wet with stretching saliva. “You’re both so close.”
I am. I’m so close I’m clenching my ass muscles so I don’t embarrass myself. I’m so pent-up and turned on right now, it’s making me question all the times I struggled to get off lately. Why is this sloppy blowjob better than hot sex? Is it her? Is it Rem? Is it the whole thing all wrapped up with my worries, confusing me so much that I’m into it?
Then Remy makes it worse. He laces his fingers into her hair, presses his body against mine, and demands, “Take more.”
What is happening right now?